Glorious day

A lie-in again until 05:15. The moon is still with us by less effective by the day. We managed a good few circuits of the Promontory and then I took some time to gaze at the planets. A while ago Venus, Jupiter and Mercury were relatively close together, from my viewpoint on Earth, now they are more spread out and Mercury was washed out by the dawn light this morning. It was not helped by a small bank of clouds just above the horizon. Jupiter, by contrast was easily visible shortly after rising. The distance between it and Venus is ever increasing. Having gazed at the stars and planets, we set off for Grammeno. It was a particularly pleasant morning.

Running to Krios was equally enjoyable and undemanding. I don’t rush myself but just keep going at a sustainable pace whilst listening to an audiobook.

I was emerging from the shower when I was waylaid by a new arrival who was presented to me by Manolis. A German who was selling his house in the mountains. He’d decided it wasn’t what he wanted preferring something with a little more cultivatable land. The ground’s not very favourable up in the mountains and it gets cold in winter. Good for rhubarb though. He is staying in Ξ6 with a nice view of the sea and the fan heater I haven’t returned to Antonis yet. He will be staying for ten days whilst he deals with the sale of his property and looks for another. He will be on Crete for a month all told.

My porridge was in the Instant Pot so fortunately still in perfect condition by the time I got to eat it. I was all out of fruit other than the mandarins donated by Manolis. I knew I needed to go into Paleochora to do some shopping.

I had a visit from Monika asking if the camping has a bike. This was followed by another visit to bring me money and then a further visit to say that she’d had a call about a room in Paleochora so she’s only staying three days and not seven. Fortunate for her as the forecast is look a little bleak and she only has a small van.

A fairly damp start to the New Year

Then followed my weekly call, most of which was conducted outside in the sunshine. I even had to move into the shade at one point!

Xanthippos got me to unlock the workshop before I left for Paleochora for my long overdue shopping trip. I remembered to buy cat food – very important if you’re a cat!

Rainer, the German guy with the dog, is leaving tomorrow so I need to take the money for his electricity and I have a washing machine request at 09:15. There are going to be few drying opportunities after tomorrow which should be warm and mostly sunny.

I sorted the shopping, fed the ginger and white cat and then took the dogs out for the Evening Walk. I was busy on the Promontory with fishermen and sundry others who were out for a walk. The walk went smoothly and we were all fed and in bed before it got dark.


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