Rain, rain…

Yet more rain in the night and the early morning causing the Early Walk to be later than usual. I went out around 06:00 to turn on the water heaters and then come back to get the dogs.

It was a fantastically beautiful morning: clear sky, twinkling stars and few clouds. Dawn was breaking and it was truly wonderful. I could even see Jupiter chasing Venus heavenward. Together, we completed three circuits of the Promontory and then I decided to do a bit of running as an experiment to see what difference it made to run or walk the same circuit. I set my running workout going and then set off. The first circuit wasn’t as productive and I’d hoped so I started a second. It was only when I was back from the second that the workout app and the whole Watch interface froze and I lost all the data. Some of the progress had been recorded in the Move and Exercise activities however the actual workout was lost. It was at that point I decided not to bother with the third lap. Fortunately, as I then looked up at the sky to see how near the storm was, gathered up the dogs and raced back to the camping. I was just able to release them into their compound when down came the rain.

I got on with some admin on my computer and waited for the rain to end before going for a shower. It was probably more like 09:15 by this time. Breakfast followed as did some more rain showers which continued throughout the day. I had a number of tasks I wished to complete and managed to do some of them. One task was to make an important purchase which took me longer than anticipated due to not having my debit card and not thinking laterally. I spent an inordinate amount of time transferring the funds and was then reminded how I could have managed it all myself without the need for the card. I have ordered a replacement debit card which will be with me eventually.

Manolis as in Sigi as in PAWS, ZigZag and rooms in Paleochora, came to see me about some marketing he wanted for his shop and rooms. He manages a couple of rather outdated websites for the rooms, shop and other Paleochora-related activities. One website is grandly titled CityOfPaleochora and the other AnonymousHomeStay. They both lead to different websites which appear to promote the same businesses. Some consolidation and rationalisation may be required here.



Manolis is a good chap so our conversation lasted rather longer than I’d anticipated so the dogs ended up going out as it was getting dark. I was fairly cold and wanted to move around so we did a couple of quick circuits of the Promontory. Obi and Princess seemed really up for it and we managed to get back before the next lot of rain fell. I fed the cat and the dogs and then got down to feeding myself. I had planned to cook something but that rather went by the wayside. Instead, I took something from the freezer which is hopefully defrosting and cooking with the rice in the Instant Pot. You may have noticed that I seem to have picked up the Chinese propensity of eating a lot of rice. Unlike the Chinese who eat rice three times each day, I confine myself to only one time and then the rice is boiled. Often the rice is also with potatoes or other bulky food. I only eat twice per day so tend to be quite capable of demolishing a huge bowl-full on each occasion. I shall have to see how the rice comes out when it’s cooked at the same time as the defrosting/reheating main event. Again, all will be revealed.

I’d not made enough progress closing my circles so added an extra lap around the block to move things on a bit. I completed it a bit quickly and might have gained more credit if I’d takem my time.

As for the weather…

Even more joy!


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