A taxing day

Between midnight and the Early Walk 15.5mm rain fell making it a late start again today. We managed the walk without getting wet but had to abandon in order to avoid the rain. It began to pour just as I released the dogs into their run. I’d agreed to phone Matthew and, as running was off the menu due to the rain, I decided to do that right away. We were on the phone for quite a while. He was telling me about the family trip to Thailand and what he was hoping to achieve from now on. We also discussed his tax return as that time is coming up. It was past 09:30 by the time we were off the phone and the rain had stopped. Water was pouring from the pipe which drains the workshop roof. Xanthippos was completing his tour of the camping and insisted I come to check out all the work he’d completed. There is still a lot of pruning to do and plenty of branches for him to collect up. He decided the weather was too wet to be lighting fires and collecting up branches and set off for home.

I did a core workout to progress my rings a little and then ate breakfast. It was getting on for 11:30 by then. Much of the day was spent on Matthew’s tax return and answering emails for the transportation of dogs. I have only to finish off the payment details and take the dogs over the mountains to Souda, and my responsibilities are complete. As things stand, David will drop Princess and Pea at Glebe Close and then Mélanie will pick Pea up at the same time as going to Brighton College to see her step-son. Hopefully, there will be no hitches and the plans will all come together.

Fido and Luis snuggling up on the red blanket

My Activity Rings were well behind so, when the sun briefly came out, I took the opportunity to walk around the block a couple of times.

There was another shower and then we set off for the Evening Walk. I needed to burn up another 1,000KJ so had my work cut out. Considering the Early Walk accounts for around that amount, I had to do it all again. Which of course I did despite the approaching rain clouds from the south. Raindrops started to fall as I was feeding Pea, Princess and Charlie. I feed them first as Oskar is inside and those three are stupid enough to remain outside their houses in the rain whilst waiting for their food. Getting soaked is a small price to pay in case I should forget to feed them or something!

Ursula and Tony have now arrived at Souda Airport and are heading this way. It is still raining at Grammeno so it is probably raining heavily in the mountains. Due to the earth slips and rock-falls I encountered last week, I suggested to Ursula she might decide to do the journey tomorrow in the daylight.

If tomorrow’s weather forecast can be believed, the heavy rain should begin around 11:00 so hopefully, I won’t have to be scratching around to get everything done.


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