Super manic Monday

No rain but plenty of wind today. The rain should follow tomorrow midday just as Tony and Ursula set off for Souda Airport at the start of their homeward journey.

The first event of the day was the failure of the power supply which powers the Meteobridge, the device which sends all the weather data to the various websites I support. I was unsure whether it was the Meteobridge device itself or the power supply so swapped power supplies and it worked ok. Now I had a cable from outside the van going inside, right in the doorway.

We went for the Early Walk as usual which was followed by more tinkering with the Meteobridge. I then ran and picked up a pastry for Tony. I was in the middle of my Core workout when Brian came accompanied by a German couple whose van I’d seen parked in the Grammeno Beach car park. They felt it would be nice to have a shower and get their washing done. They have paid for one night and may stay longer.

I cycled into Paleochora to get some food as I’d threatened to cook for Tony and Ursula’s final even meal in Crete. The easterly wind made cycling in to town hard work but it was easy enough coming back. John, from Inter Sport was the next caller as he was having problems with the sales system at Seaford. It transpired that the server had failed.

A Swiss couple in a motorhome arrived to stay for two days. They wanted to be somewhere in the sun where their friends could be alongside once they arrived. Meanwhile, I was preparing food for the evening as well as dealing with IT problems in Seaford. The second couple arrived and it was Sascha who brought them to see me. Manuel and his family arrived but only to spend time with Sascha and collect some water. He says they will return on Wednesday as they need the washing machine.

There were also lots of phone calls about computers and servers.

It was getting dark when I took the dog out. Ursula was walking back on her own as I was going out. It was a brisk walk as I needed to be back to finish off the food. Fortunately, I’d started preparing it much earlier in the day.

We ate in T2. Ursula had prepared some fruit and sprinkles for dessert. The evening was quite short as I was late arriving. We noshed and chatted. The wind blew outside. I’m falling asleep so will retire to bed.

The dogs were snoozing gently as I arrived back at the van. I let them out for a wander before starting my blog.


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