Chomp, chomp, chomp…

The sound of munching surrounds me as Fido and Obi munch their way through their biscuits. Fido finishes before Obi and Luis finishes before anyone. He’d eat it before it hit the bowl if he had the chance. Charlie and Oskar are outside but Oskar always eats faster than Charlie.

All three planets, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter, were visible this morning. I’d set my alarm to wake me at 05:45 but I was awake at 05:30 so got up and dealt with water heaters and washing machines. The machine was lit up like a Christmas Tree as I’d used the timer to set it going the previous day. I wanted it out of the way as I’d planned to do my own washing too. Had I carefully considered it, I would have put mine on at 05:30 then put the other on after. They don’t get up until half the day has gone (09:00), so no need to hurry on their part.

The walk was rapid and enjoyable. All dogs reported at the end and we were back at the camping before 7am. I got my washing ready and took it over to find the machine still had 15 minutes to run. I went back and carried on with my tea and what I was doing. I was into Inter Sport’s servers as usual in the hope of getting it ready for the weekend for some final testing before deployment. It’s quite a complicated setup so needs a bit of time.

My wash went in, I took the other to Sascha and opened the doors of the two cabins to air them. They are drying out but it’s going to be a while before they are ready for occupation by customers. I got on with my servers then got bogged down with a server which hadn’t restarted after update. I had to hang around until someone came in to the shop to restart it. Xanthippos had already asked me to unlock the rooms at reception as someone was coming to measure up for some reason. I was in the middle of sorting out the Seaford server so it wasn’t such a good time for me. I left him to it and went back.

My next activity was a run to Kountoura in wonderful sunshine. It was quite a bit later than I normally go out, my kit was dry and it was sunny so I certainly didn’t need anything more than shirt and shorts. The water was plenty warm enough for a shower and then I got on with some more work.

There was a gap in time as I sat in the sun reclining in my chair. After all, I’d been up since 05:30, walked the dogs, gone for a run, worked on computers…

For most of the day, I’ve been wearing only shorts and a T shirt. Other than going out running, I’ve been in the awning area as there was an unexpected westerly wind which obviously hadn’t read the forecast properly. The temperature made its way past 25℃ so plenty warm enough.

I made my bed, prepared my supper then chatted briefly to Brian on my way to the rubbish. The dogs were ready for their walk so off we went. Luis and Fido were as active as usual and we completed the circuit over the rocks.

I just need to get the dogs inside then close up the cabins and my day is done!


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