Bad planning

The photo from Hans and Veronika’s contact card

It didn’t rain in the night but I’d taken the precaution to bring in the dog blankets I’d recently washed. The forecast was for the rain to start around 08:00, well after the Early Walk. There was light rain as we set off towards the end of the Promontory but fortunately, it didn’t last very long neither was it hard. We were back at the camping well before 07:00 so I decided to seize the opportunity and go for a run seeing as it might not be possible later. Light rain started as I was leaving the camping and became more intense as I jogged towards Kountoura. As I ran up the short incline on the first bend, the rain stopped so I was able to continue the remainder of the run in the dry.

I got in the shower and felt it might be worth chancing it with a ride into Paleochora for some shopping. I might have enough food for this evening but not after that. Tomorrow is forecast with showers and strong winds so I decided to go for it. As I stepped out of Petrakis, I could feel the rain on my head as I packed my shopping into the cycle bags. The road was getting wet but I hoped it wouldn’t get much wetter due to inevitable spray from the tyres. I only got damp as I cycled back, the rain being kind enough to wait until I was safely back in the van before turning on the tap. Even then, it amounts to only 1mm since 07:30. Hardly a monsoon. The heaviest rain should fall between 15:00-17:00 so we might even get our Evening Walk if things work out.

Manolis and Lisa have left to go back to their home in Chania so there are now only five punters on the camping. I’m expecting the return of Jan and Lily tomorrow once Paula sets off on her trip to Romania for a month.

It’s a soggy, grey day at present but birds are still springlike despite the dampness all around. There is barely any wind: the cups of my anemometer are hardly moving.

The day became progressively more soggy as time went on. Keeping an especially soggy moment for the Evening Walk. It conveniently stopped raining purely to lull me into a false sense of security. No sooner had we reached the gates onto the beach than the rain started. Once on the Promontory, the intensity of the rain increased so that we began to get proper wet. Our circuit around the Promontory was brief but not brief enough as it started to come down more heavily once we reached the beach car park. We were all quite wet by the time we got back to the van. I closed the door, released the dogs and dried them off with a towel in the awning before feeding them. I gave Luis his food inside as usual, to stop him from eating everyone else’s, and turned on the heating. The thought of being locked up with five fluffy, wet dogs without any heating didn’t really do it for me. I removed my wet shorts and hung them up, moved the dogs into the van once they’d finished their food and got round to preparing my own. Normally, I try to do this before taking them out so that it’s ready shortly after we get back. Today, we were out earlier so it wasn’t too important.

I’m sitting on the bench seat at the back with a soggy Luis trying to snuggle up next to me. Charlie is curled up under the screen and music is playing form the speakers. It is warm inside but not so warm where Fido, Oskar and Obi are lying. They are at the front of the van as this appears to be their preferred location. I suspect Obi would prefer the old days where he’d have full possession of the entire back seating and might allow me to pet him constantly if I wished.

My supper is in the Instant Pot however it might take a while as it’s not long been in there.

The image at the top of the blog is from the reverse of the contact card which Hans gave me with his email address on the reverse. I thought it a good photo so decided to take a picture of it to include in my blog.


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