Beware the Ides!

Heavy rain around 02:30 disturbed my blissful slumbers as it clattered down on the metal roof. About 5mm fell during an hour so it must have been a little damp outside. I had to reach for the duvet as my fleecy blankets were insufficient following the fall in temperature due to the rain. I was equally reluctant to rise from my pit when the alarm sounded at 05:30. I lazed for a few minutes reading about the latest votes cast by our beloved parliamentarians. None of them are down to me seeing as I was not able to vote during the previous General Election. It will be interesting to see what transpires before the end of the month.

We managed our walk without getting wet from above however it would appear that Charlie got wet as he crossed the rocks catching up with the others. I kept them out of the van in the hope that they might leave some of the sand on the decking. A forlorn hope.

I fiddled with servers and drank a cup of tea. The sun came out so the dogs were able to enjoy some warmth rather than be cooped up in the van all morning. The forecast was for continuous rain but that turned into squally showers as the day progressed. I went for a run just getting back before the next squall. I had a shower and some breakfast then got in with things in general. I’d returned from the shower in shorts and T shirt however that situation didn’t endure for long as the squall lowered the temperature considerably.

Morning changed into afternoon and the squalls became more frequent. I was called down by Antje as she’d prepared her washing for me to leave in the machine overnight to set itself going in the morning. I told her she could have it as early as she wished but she pointed out she was not much of an early riser.

I did a little camping admin and attended to a couple of simple support calls. The Evening Walk time was approaching and then there was another squally shower. I considered cancelling the walk however the squall soon passed leaving a relatively clear sky. We set off with balls and a thrower so Luis and Fido could have a good run around. They’ve not had that for a few days as all the balls were lost. They have now been found so normal service may resume. Both Brown Dogs appear to enjoy the exercise which is rather strange for Luis as, in the past, exercise has not been his best friend.

They are all inside with me with Luis, Fido, Charlie and Obi on the seat while Oskar lies on the floor at my feet. Luis is snoring. The wind seems to have moderated and hopefully, we should have a few stable days from tomorrow onwards. I daren’t wish to hope that this is the last of winter.

I can smell that my supper is cooked.

Beware the Ides!


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