Happy Birthday to me!

Out in good time this morning having turned on the water heater to ensure there was hot water for my shower. The number of customers has decreased as four left yesterday and two more today. Tomorrow I need only concern myself with five showers so can turn off the power sooner as the sun will take over the water heating. Only the Germany couple by the sliding gate remains as the Swiss/German couple have left. They decided to extend their stay right through until October rather than return to Switzerland for the summer. I suggested they might ‘do’ the north coast now before the hoards arrive then retire to more remote southerly regions for the summer.

The Early Walk was bathed in the light of the moon as there were few clouds for a change. I did not bring my lamp or even use it once. The usual routines out of the way, we returned to the camping for running and Pilates. The lady in the bakery is getting used to seeing me each morning and probably wonders which pastry I plan to purchase. She probably thinks I eat them myself but must then wonder why I stop eating them for long periods then have one each day. I had a great shower whilst contemplating the Night of the Long Knives recounted by Winston during my run.

Xanthippos asked me to open T1-T3 as the glaziers were scheduled to replace some of the windows, mostly in T2-T3. Collecting the keys from the office I was able to pick up my birthday card. I popped in to see the remaining customers and passed by Ursula and Tony’s abode where I was greeted by two lovely birthday presents and a cup of tea. One present is a T-Shirt with lots of doggies on it the other a new slate for my gate. I often hear visitors chuckling as they read the slates whilst standing at my gate. Thank you very much Tony and Ursula!

The new slate is to the right

After breakfast, I went to see off the Swiss/German couple who plan to head to the north coast as I suggested. The glaziers were hard at work supervised and technically advised by Laurel and Hardy AKA Mikhalis and Xanthippos.

We’d planned to go to Anydri for a meal around 15:00 so changed and set off. I was driving Ursula so that she could see the view for a change. We had a fantastic meal seated at a sunlit table overlooking the Anydri Gorge. There was a bit of a breeze which made its presence felt once the sun disappeared behind an adjacent building. We returned to the camping for tea and birthday cake complete with Happy Birthday and 64 all in candles. Pictures of the cake-spitting will doubtless appear elsewhere. Thank you again, Ursula and Tony!

After tea, we decided to try to find Ursula’s glasses recently lost on the beach. Wandering around with my metal detector I found a knife and some silver paper before spotting the glasses sitting on a nearby rock. I took back the detector swapping it for the dogs to join Tony and Ursula at the end of the Promontory. Luis, despite his additional ball-chasing this morning, still had enough energy reserved so dashed up and down like a mad thing. We returned to the camping separately, Ursula via the beach and myself through the field. Approaching, I could see a farmer’s pickup so discretely walked on by to complete the circuit by way of the camping entrance. The road works make it easier to walk along from the beach road to the camping since there is now the makings of a footpath where the road has been widened.

I’m writing, the dogs are snoring and I suspect it may not be too long before I retire to my bed. Thanks to everyone for a lovely birthday!


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