Micro phone

Xanthippos came to show me his new micro phone. A miniature mobile phone which he says has a battery life of nine days. Apparently, he’s been showing off this new acquisition to anyone who will listen. It looks cute but the sort of thing you’d give to a small child as it looks a little out of place with an adult.

Much activity today due to blocked drains near to T3. Men came, tried to unblock the toilet using orthodox techniques then resorted to digging. The previous day, I’d been asked about the power supply for the television to ask Peter if he’d inadvertently taken it when he left. Some customers arrived, those with the puky dog who came during the Holiday Weekend a month or so ago. They wanted the TV so I stole the power supply from the one in the office. Lateral thinking. I don’t give a damn if they can’t watch TV in the office.

It’s been overcast and windy again so there was not too much hanging around on the Early Walk. Whether the Dutch with the motorhome got to walk the Anydri Gorge today, I do not know: as yet they have not returned possibly preferring to stay on Gialiskari Beach.

A machine pushed round some soil brought to the camping in a tipper truck. This is to replace that washed away during the winter rains. The men working on the new shower/WC huts were digging a shallow trench to take water from the storeroom for showers. I trust the heater will be upgraded to compensate for the twelve extra people. The dogs were reasonably calm considering the activity all around and the machines working in close proximity.

I went to collect money from Antje and Marcus as they said they planned to go today. I was told they would go on Thursday as Marcus was a little under the weather. Antje had tripped over the flex of their induction hob and broken the ceramic so they asked me if there was anywhere local they might purchase another. I directed them to the store in the main street where they purchased a replacement and other culinary equipment.

The new arrivals brought their two dogs so there are plenty of dogs in the camping at present. With those being walked on the beach earlier, there was plenty of calling between them. There are not that many people on the camping at present and with the machines plenty of noise. The dog-owners are unlikely to complain about barking in any event.

I have cobbled together a meal, having failed dismally yesterday due to various interruptions: Ursula and Tony went out to eat and I dug into the freezer. Perhaps tonight’s offering will be edible. Hope springs eternal.

They have survived yet another gastric onslaught and retired to their cabin: me to my boudoir having washed up and put things away. And it’s only 21:41!

It’s still 19.3℃ as the hour approaches ten. The van door is open and Obi has opted to sleep outside under the awning. The others are inside snoozing.


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