Golly, it’s chilly!

I woke up to use the loo in the night and it wasn’t long before I was joined downstairs by a small, white dog. She wanted to share my bed but I wasn’t really up for it as she has a nice bed of her own upstairs. She reappeared later when she heard me getting up just after 05:30 (07:30 EEST). I got ready to go running and picked up her lead to see if she might be interested in coming too. She was very eager to start with but losing the pace a little on the last km or so. She needs to learn to pace herself if she’s going to be a Marathon Dog. Once up, Eleanor took her for her morning walk and commented that Καλή didn’t quite have the same level of enthusiasm at the finish. Strangely, Καλή was a little tired after.

I showered and went off to Tesco in search of some food for breakfast. I then went into Brighton via Mountain Warehouse as I needed to purchase another layer against the wind and cold. I completed my Brighton shopping then headed back to Lewes on the train. I caught the London – Eastbourne train and forgot the platform in Lewes is too short for a twelve car train, I had a pleasant trip to Glynde where I alighted, crossed the bridge to catch the next train going back to Lewes.

I had some lunch at Greyfriars before making my way up to LBS to do some small computer jobs and rip Andrew Marr again. Later, I returned to Greyfriars via Waitrose to pick up Καλή to take her home. It was a brisk walk as it was still cold and a little windy.

We watched a little 2001 before retiring to bed for a well-deserved sleep.


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