Drusillas Zoo

On the last day of my stay Καλή decided to join me on my morning escapade over the Downs. It was warmer than the previous days, the sky was clear and the sun shining. She bounded off so quickly as I arrived at the top of Juggs Road that I thought she was still behind me. As it turned out, she was ahead of me chasing rabbits as one would expect. She soon caught me up and reported nicely at the gate to the lane to be clipped back onto her lead. We continued on our way, Καλή, Winston and I.

France is about to fall, the BEF has been evacuated at Dunkirk and DeGaulle has left France for London. The French army cannot continue and their government doesn’t seem to know which way is up. It doesn’t bode well for the next four years from what I can see.

Eleanor was preparing to leave for work as I arrived back with Καλή. She would only work until 10:00 as we were having a family outing to Drusillas Zoo at Alfriston. Edward and Gemma would be arriving. Edward in his physical form if not awake as I suspect he’d not long come off shift. I was in a slightly similar situation as I didn’t go to sleep until 00:30 and was awake at 05:15.

I had a shower and some breakfast then wrote my blog for the previous day. Eleanor duly returned, I took Καλή for a quick wee walk as she would not be accompanying us as the car would be full of people and wheelchairs and she still gets quickly puky when she even looks at a car. One of Eleanor’s friends would be coming to walk her at lunchtime anyway.

We set off for Greyfriars and were soon on the A27 heading towards Eastbourne. It was reasonably sunny and warmer than the other days of my stay. We prepared the wheelchairs once we arrived at Drusillas and Gemma and Edward were soon with us. I think is has been twenty-five years since I’ve visited Drusillas and that was with a coach load of infants! Things have moved on since then and it’s a really together place.

We visited all the animals although the lemurs were uninterested in our presence as they had recently been fed so were huddled together to keep out the cold. The sun was intermittent during the whole of our visit other than when we had our little picnic near to the end. We enjoyed the obligatory train ride as we were the majority of the passengers. Edward relived his childhood by shinning up the pole to hit the bell as well as other activities including the long jump. It was certainly a worthwhile day out: well done to Edward for hosting the event.

Returning to Greyfriars, I left on foot to visit Mr Lawrence to go through some of the work I’d carried out. I then walked back to Glebe Close to collect the car to fill up before departing the following day. I visited Greyfriars to say my final goodbyes, picked up some food from the supermarket and headed back to Glebe Close.

I started to pack up my clothes and other treasures while waiting for my meal to cook. There were more things to take back then I brought so I needed to pack carefully. Ursula will be pleased to learn that I now have THREE pairs of shorts which fit me.

I retired to bed hoping to be able to get in a run the following morning. The weather forecast was not optimistic as rain was on the way. It was not long before I fell asleep.

I’m writing this sitting in the departure area at Gatwick airport. A message on my watch has alerted me to head for gate 101 for my flight back to Souda. The gate closes in twenty minutes so I’d better make my way there…


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