French invasion

Yesterday, a group of French motorhomes arrived. The organiser had visited the camping last year and asked whether it would be possible to accommodate his party. He arranges trips for people with motorhomes who might feel more comfortable travelling as a group rather than on their own. I understand there is a new record of twenty-four motorhomes on the camping at one time. They are scattered about as it’s not possible to have them as one large group. They are occupying spaces not normally taken by vehicles including some of the internal roads. They seem quite a civilised bunch and are currently enjoying a traditional Greek music and dance evening at the bar and restaurant.

It has been an incredibly lazy day on my part. We were out for the Early Walk and then I ran but from then on it was a saga of decline and sloth. It was only this afternoon that I started to get on with something vaguely useful. The remainder of the day has been taken up with advanced vegetating. I did, however, join Ursula and Tony for a lovely cup of tea as well as some more of the previous day’s cake which appears to have matured with age. We drank tea, ate cake and chatted until it was time to walk the dogs. I try to go out later at weekends are there are often people still out on the Promontory until late. I want to be able to let the dogs off the lead so need everyone to have gone home.

We went through the camping and out the main gate via the road which is now wider due to the road improvements. The dogs are older, calmer and fewer so it’s easier to walk them along the road. This route makes the walk longer but the grass seeds picked up while crossing the field are a real nuisance to the dogs as they get in their coats causing discomfort. I picked lots out of Luis last night and spent a while brushing Charlie this morning. Even with all the French motorhomes, the dogs are fairly sensible so can reasonably be led through the camping.

A Greek couple pulled up as I was walking along Alonáki Beach: they gave me two avocado pears which they said would not survive the journey back to Chania. They have a caravan which they put on Alonáki beach each year so see me walking the dogs around the field in the evenings. A few minutes later, we encountered a Finish couple on the beach. The woman had recently emerged from the water so was clad only in a towel. Her disabled husband was in a wheelchair looking out to sea. We talked about the dogs and the location. They know the Finish lady in Peleochora who looks after stray cats. They would like to live in Crete but feel too vulnerable given her husband’s health. Nevertheless, they manage to visit a couple of times each year.

A young [Greek] couple were arguing loudly in the distance but were not present on our return leg. I secreted my avocados and we wandered to the end of the Promontory for a glorious walk. The sun was setting but it was still light enough for some ball-throwing to give Luis plenty of exercise. We returned to the camping by the same route stopping to recuperate the avocados on the way. The music for the French visitors was already playing in the distance and can be easily heard from my van. The dogs are fed so can go inside and I think I will actually go to bed at a reasonable time. A first since my return on Wednesday afternoon.


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