I had a relatively early night with only one interruption of a natural kind. My alarm woke me abruptly at 05:20 whereas usually I’m awake beforehand. It was still a little dark when we set out threading our way through the multitude of French motorhomes littering the camping. I steered the dogs along the main road, which was devoid of traffic, then down the Anonáki Beach Road towards the sea. It was not long before we arrived at the release place where I let the dogs go off on their own. They generally wander around then all appear at the end of the Promontory. Obi and I arrived then did a small circuit as we were alone. Ursula and Heidi soon also arrived but the other dogs had not. At this point, I went to find out where they had got to.

From the west side of the Promontory I could see a couple of dark shapes heading east on Grammeno Beach. We quickened pace and headed on an intercept course. Oskar was the first encounter followed by Charlie. Luis and Fido were no where to be seen. I reacquired Charlie but Oskar was having none of it. He now has a special place in my Bad Book. Later, I discovered Luis and Fido which I also attached to the lead. We headed back to the end of the Promontory and Oskar decided he’d better face the music and tag along.

Ursula and Heidi had retired to the lagoon where I joined them briefly. I then, very unceremoniously, escorted the five back to the camping in quick time. They were incarcerated in the van while I went for a run. I returned, had a shower and then went into Paleochora for some groceries and to visit the electrician. I bought what I needed before going to the electrician for some FTP cable to get Georgia’s house back onto the network. They have to get the cable from Chania which they say will be there on Tuesday morning. Back at the camping, the dogs were escorted in close formation to the SDC where they were released in their downgraded accommodation. No loafing around on the seats or going inside the van. No lazing on the decking or wandering around the main compound. In the doghouse!

I had a number of emails to answer as well as some breakfast to make. I may have drifted off a little after breakfast. By that time, I’d walked over 5km, run nearly 5km and cycled over 9km.

Other activities included changing the batteries in the old entrance light for a couple of those from the now lost original drone. New batteries seemed to do the trick and it now lights up as expected. How long those batteries last remains to be seen. I now know that the UPS, POE switch, lightning detector, two CCTV cameras and three WiFi access points in the storeroom consume around 36 watts of electricity. I have set up one of the Sonoff wireless switches to monitor electrical consumption. The other, I shall rig up to measure the consumption of everything else in and outside the van. The final plan is to work out my total electricity demand so that I’m able to accurately size my proposed solar power setup.

I have just enjoyed some tea and the remainder of the chocolate cake with Ursula and Tony. They will be joining me for some supper after the Evening Walk. I have prepared this culinary experiment during the afternoon so hopefully, it will be edible. Without too many spoilers, it’s a variation on a theme involving spinach and rice. It’s the variation bit which is a little tricky. All will be revealed in the fullness of time…

The next event, after a trip to the loo, is to dig the dogs out for the Evening Walk. The walk will be an unceremonious affair as they will all remain in the DOGHOUSE until I feel like relenting.

The walk was a route march stopping only for important events. We were back at base in record time despite going the long way around.

The supper was cooking during our absence and the starter had been mostly prepared and was lurking in the fridge. The main ingredient for the starter was the avocado gifted by Mr Caravan Man the previous evening. The mixture of avocado, mushroom, olive and lemon was served on some wholemeal rusks. Impossible to eat elegantly.

The main course was conceived of a fresh garlic plant, some chopped carrot, onion, green pepper cooked up with chopped mushroom added later. The rice was at the bottom of the pot with the mixture on top. The spinach was the last ingredient. It was all churned up once cooked and was really not too bad. Garlic plants are good to eat.

The dogs are about to be released from their run: only Heidi was free while we ate as Obi was confined inside. I shall allow the dogs into the van and then go to bed. Another day done.


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