Lunch at the camping restaurant

Hertford Road Infants School

It was Fido who started the ball rolling this morning by asking to go out for a wee at 03:45. Letting him out wasn’t the real problem just that Skinny, who was sleeping on the decking, decided it must be time to get up so started to fidget about. Fido returned from his mission and I to bed. Skinny systematically repositioned some of the blankets and other items around the main compound whilst going in and out incessantly. I thought maybe he would be quieter if I invited him inside the van. Wrong again! He simply fidgeted and then settled into a gentle whimper. At this point, I took him out and put him back into his compound whereupon we enjoyed peace until getting up time. He gets bored easily.

I fell asleep until the alarm sounded and I got out of bed. As usual, the cat met me at the gate and I put some food into her bowl. I’m certain she was not alone and a silent queue was already forming to gobble up anything she might leave. I turned on the water heater, collected up the dogs and set off for the Promontory where Ursula was waiting with Heidi. I soon set off to exercise Skinny as his innate boredom was beginning to show. We walked around soon to hear the sound of barking from Oskar and Heidi. The two men with the little boy who catch Parrot Fish were out bright and early. Their mission on this occasion was to collect salt as they had no fishing equipment. I gathered up Oskar then took him to face the group who were quietly collecting up salt on the west side of the Promontory. When connected to me by means of the lead, Oskar made no sound and appeared calm. I exchanged a few words with the men before continuing on my way.

Our circuits completed, we had a short ball-throwing session to try to run off some more energy. Luis, I’m told, had been running for most of the time. We were out for more than two hours today. It was a warm and still morning with only a very thin moon hovering above the eastern horizon. New Moon is 3 June.

I completed my 5km walk and also my usual running circuit bringing back a cheese and ham pastry for Tony. I considered the possibility of cycling into Paleochora but the idea of negotiating the road works encouraged me to put off the journey for another day. I contented myself with a breakfast without fresh fruit.

I sent out a message encouraging people to help find a home for Charlie as Ursula and Tony return to UK at the end of next week. It would be great if a suitable Forever Family could be found for Charlie so that he no longer had to be one of six. During the past three years, the odds have improved but he deserves better as he is an unassuming quiet soul.

My weekly call home was followed by an email from Georgia inviting me to lunch at the camping restaurant. She’d tried to feed me the preceding evening but Ursula had already made arrangements. I joined Tony and Ursula who had arrived before me and we had a most enjoyable meal. Georgia and others sat on a nearby table to tuck into a mountain of sea creatures. We adjourned to #3 for a mug of tea then I left to go back to the dogs. I disposed of the rubbish and noticed some raindrops as I approached the compound gate. To ensure it was only a short shower, I brought in the blankets left out on the decking. I may have slipped into a post-luncheon snooze which was followed by Skinny trying to encourage Oskar to play with him. Try his best, Oskar was unreceptive to these overtures and Skinny got a telling off from him. Skinny then entertained himself by going under the decking to play with some cardboard. It really is like having an energetic toddler! I understand this breed of dog is always playful.

The cloudiness has intensified, the awning tent sides are now closed and it is windier. Today’s high is 29.6℃ which is not bad considering the amount of cloud. The wind got up in the middle of the day gusting to 37km/h (23mph). Simon and Garfunkel are singing Mrs Robinson from the film the Graduate on Radio Paradise and Ursula is dragging herself together to walk Heidi on the Promontory. I shall pay a visit to the facilities, get my mob together then join her for the Evening Walk. Better make the most of it seeing Ursula won’t be here for much longer!

The walk is over and the dogs are now fed. Skinny has cottoned on to sitting down for biscuits and food so progress is being made. Just a matter of getting him not to scale the fence to visit the campers. Skinny was wearing the new prong collar this evening and both he and Oskar, the inveterate pullers, were in the same hand. What a difference the prong collar makes to managing the dogs. We had to wait a few minutes while a guy loaded sheep into his pickup. He was parked in the road which leads to Alonáki Beach. Several sheep were already in the pickup so we waited patiently as he loaded the last two. I expect he would have been less than impressed if I’d continued to walk down the road with six dogs past his pickup.

I think I can now declare myself fully functional. No mosquitoes tonight as it’s windy but still time to go inside methinks.


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