Summer’s officially here

I even felt just a little chilly in the night and needed to apply my thin fleecy blanket over my sheet. I thought it might be cold on the Promontory but I needn’t have worried unduly as it was warm enough when we set off on the Early Walk and I soon removed the polo shirt over my T-shirt. I walked Skinny round twice then let Fido go so that he could come with us if he wished. He came along and lead Charlie along with him as he wandered toward the camping over Grammeno Beach. Charlie was more interested in what he might find amongst the rows of sun-beds belonging to Mr Amos Beach Bar. I collected him up and then retrieved Fido from the bar area. We walked back south and I released all three dogs once they were going in the correct direction. We walked down to the Small Beach and then over the rocks back to the lagoon. Skinny was lagging behind a bit so this diversion into the camping may have given him a taste for adventure. I released Luis and threw his ball. Skinny was more interested in wandering over the rocks and disappearing. The diversion into the camping had soaked up a little time so I called it a day and went back minus Skinny. We’d not long been back when Obi became interested in a White Dog outside the compound gate. I let him in and put him in his run where he remained all day.

Janne and Erica were continuing their packing up activities and I got the bug too and started to clean and take down the sides and front of the awning tent. I think it’s going to stay pretty warm from now on and the chance of rain is slim. Only driving rain would come under the canopy anyway. I’m waiting for the west side to dry so that I can pack it away in its valise until the end of October. Not having the tent sides increases the living area to the east and to the south. The southern Sun Blockers provide reasonable shade and the sail shade blocks both the wind and the sun in the east. I will also take up the floor tiles and the groundsheets underneath as they might be inclined to blow away without the tent sides.

As well as a certain amount of housekeeping, I’ve done some other small electrical jobs including running a cable next door for Peter so that he can work with his laptop whilst using Janne and Erica’s decking. Their camera is now accessible to Georgia following a meeting at the weekend where it was agreed that she could snoop on the area using their camera except when they are in residence. Next, she will be asking me to point the camera in the direction of the new cabins so that she can see them.

It didn’t quite make it to 30℃ today and the minimum was 17.7℃ which probably explains the need for a blanket in the night. More tomatoes are in the oven which has just gone ping. Skinny is sitting in his run being lonely but I could do without him bouncing around out here and he’s not been my favourite dog recently. Maybe I’ll take him for a little wander later…


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