A little hexperiment

All bar Obi were in the van last night. He preferred to remain outside however Skinny decided he’d join the riff-raff inside. After initial bouncing around, we all settled down to partake of a peaceful, albeit short night due to the lateness of turning-in.

I was awake before my 04:35 alarm so got up and dressed. So much easier to drag on some shorts and a T-shirt in summer. Our Early Walk was on a similar basis to that of yesterday except there was no visible FreeLoaders on the Promontory now that the holiday is over. I released Charlie almost immediately then Oskar. Skinny and I went round and then it was the turn of Obi and Fido for a couple of circuits and finally Luis. I released Luis a little early and he was sloping off on his own until I redirected him. Skinny was also released and, despite a little wander backwards to the Big Beach, he came thundering after me as I traversed the Small Beach. All three dogs followed me over the rocks back to the lagoon where we played ball, paddled and swam, then went back to the camping.

It was virtually still and already 24℃ at 05:00 so it was quite hard going. A slight breeze drifted over from the northwest as I set off for my run and I think I might even have made a slightly better time this morning. I showered and had some breakfast. The latest batch of oranges was very disappointing. I’ll have to improve my orange selection skills as I seem to have picked out the most juiceless ones.

It was hot again with a top temperature of 33.4℃ (91℉). There was also little wind. I did some small jobs in the van which included resealing and re-evacuating the big bag of clothes. I appear not to have completely closed the sealing strip as air has started to creep back inside.

Skinny was left in his compound all morning but allowed off the line when let out into the main one. He immediately went towards the fence where I intercepted him and advised him not to try to climb over. We then had a little Cold War where I stood outside with a hose ready to spray him if he tried to jump over. He’s not stupid so eventually took himself off under the decking. Everything was fine until after supper when I heard a loud outburst from Georgia’s dogs so guessed he’d climbed the fence. It didn’t take long to find him as he never goes very far. He was on the beach at the water’s edge and gave himself up without a struggle. He’s back on the line again and stretched out under the canopy. I have Fido’s head on my right foot, Luis, attached to the shelf unit, stretched out to my left with Skinny a little way in front of me. Oskar is on the decking and I think Charlie and Obi are under the decking. It’s now 20:45 so it’s cooled down to 26.5℃ (80℉) as the sun is setting. It will start to get dark soon but the moon will provide light as it did this morning on the walk.

I’ve just made myself a cup of cinnamon tea and will soon light an incense stick before enjoying the coolness of the evening.


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