Luis puffed his way around

It was already 26℃ as we set off out the gate onto the field past the newly transplanted fig tree. Luis was already huffing in the van so continued to do so during the walk across the field, along the road and onto the Promontory. Kostas’ car was in its usual place however he was out on the rocks gathering salt as any self-respecting SaltMan should be doing at 04:45 of a Sunday morning. We later saw a hug bag of salt which he’d left to drain whilst he worked elsewhere.

Weekends are usually the prime times for FreeLoaders which is why I kept Charlie on the lead as Skinny, he and I completed the initial circuit. There was a helpful, gentle breeze which counteracted, to some extent, the hot air swirling all about. Contrary to expectations, there were no FreeLoaders to be found on the Promontory. During the walk, it was possible to hear the sound of Luis ‘singing’ to Kostas as he worked nearby. I determined to teach Luis a lesson by swapping him for Charlie on the next circuit. I, therefore, released Charlie and put Luis in his stead. Luis only does what he wants to do and walking around the Promontory is not high on his priority list. I had other ideas and was determined not to leave him to make a racket. He reluctantly walked around and was then joined by Obi and Fido for the last two laps. Other than Skinny, Luis walked the furthest of all the dogs but still had sufficient energy for a little ball-chasing at the end. Albeit with diminished ardour in his part. At one point, I put his ball into the water. Luis was being feeble about entering the water so Skinny came to the rescue. Skinny seems to have a limited concentration span where the ball is concerned so, having rescued it, soon abandoned it to Luis.

Despite the temperature now being 29℃, I went out for a run. There was a helpful northwesterly breeze to moderate the temperature slightly. On my return, I went into the sea to get wet for a little while. I can confirm that the sea is still wet in Crete. Breakfast and a little snooze followed my sea experience not forgetting the watering of the fig tree.

For a change, there was an absence of pussies in the storeroom. They may have migrated elsewhere as it was so warm. There were still no pussies until later in the day whereupon three were present and the fourth was making pathetic ‘mummy come and get me’ noises from the bushes. Mummy wasn’t in too much of a hurry so the aforementioned is still mewing pathetically.

I’ve fiddled around with a couple of sets of outdoor lights to discover that one set is completely broken and the solar charger from the other works when it pleases. Cheap Chinese lights. Say no more. I have ordered some replacements.

It has been very warm again, the hottest day of the year in fact, with a top temperature of 37.6℃ (99.7℉). I have reset my under awning min-max thermometer and can confirm a maximum UAT (Under Awning Temperature) of 39℃ so far today. I hope it cools down a little this evening as it was rather warm last night inside the van.

Google satellite image of Grammeno Camping showing my bit


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