Some curbs are down

I had a trip to Paleochora this morning in search of food so have an update on the progress of the construction. Some of the curbs are down and there were men with surveying equipment wandering around looking busy. The road is still a nightmare with plenty of dust and potholes despite the bowser spreading water all day long. I bet that driver gets bored driving from Paleochora to Kountoura and back again.

The Early Walk was uneventful and I think I’ve worked out why Charlie was so vocal yesterday. There was a cat in the area he was barking. Cats often live out on the Promontory and there must be plenty to eat.

The Austrian guy with the old Hymer motorhome was about as we past on the outward leg of our walk. Why he was up so early I have no idea. We had a brief chat on the way back and a longer one this evening when I took Luis, Fido and SBD for an evening socialisation wander. SBD had already had the pleasure of the company of Oskar and Charlie on a previous jaunt.

All the cats are back and they may be pleased to know that I bought some more cat food this morning. Some slightly cheaper food as the other stuff I get was not displayed. The two tamer kittens enjoy being petter however the larger one is still very timid.

The day has been warm and sunny with no wind and a high of 31.9℃. Plenty of people on both Grammeno and Alonáki Beaches. The sea was particularly warm this morning however I was keen to get going as I needed to go shopping. I’d already walked SBD with Charlie and had trimmed some time from the Early Walk for this purpose.

I can report that I have tried the converted showers and they are not bad. I shall probably use them in winter as the confined space will warm up quicker and may have less wind blowing through it.

I’ve made it to episode four of Bodyguard and he’s not having a lot of luck. I’ll probably watch another this evening. I need to get in the shower and produce some food before it’s dark.

The vegetable guy from last summer greeted me like a long, lost friend as I picked my way through the oranges in Petrakis this morning. Another student working his way through university.


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