Happy Birthday, MLE!

And a Happy Independence Day too. Only another ten days and it’s Bastille Day in France. So many celebrations.

A certain SmallBlackDog is feeling more at home so exercised his voice a little in the night. When he heard me getting up to go to him he decided perhaps he’d be better off shutting up. I took him with the others on the Early Walk this morning in case he decided to make more racket in our absence. There was a small scuffle on the beach which was started by Oskar being a little aggressive towards Charlie. This developed into a general free-for-all so I had to intervene. All done and dusted in a few seconds as order was restored. We carried on with our walk. There was a Horta Gatherer when we arrived back at the large sandy area but I had most of the dogs on the lead so that went without incident. The guy comes often so knows the dogs anyway. SBD is a bit of a liability on the lead as he tends to dart around but considering it was his first outing with the Lunatic Fringe in such a short period of time, it went well. SBD is not alone in the darting around category as Skinny is another liability. He chases grasshoppers and is obsessed with them. When a Great Lump like Skinny goes after a grasshopper it can interfere with things a little. He’s got sitting down for biscuits and food well sorted and will sit down nicely at any time if he thinks it will get him something.

The Austrian guy with the Hymer is still on Alonàki Beach but the French couple has left. As far as I can recall, he is the only motorhome on the beach. As we move into July and the main holiday season, there are likely to be more FreeLoaders so we will need to adjust our morning walk accordingly.

We ran but with the new Skinny special fat lead which works nicely as a hands-free dog exerciser. I used it for the first time this morning but will try it tomorrow with an extra carabiner to improve its ability to remain in position. It was warmer this morning so I was glad to get into the sea for a while after my run. The sea was also pleasantly warm as well.

The top temperature for today is 35.9ºC (96.6℉). It has been very calm but will become breezy tonight and tomorrow. The temperature is forecast to remain in the mid-thirties for the next week. I expect the camping will become busier from tomorrow and then over the weekend. It will not be long before youth groups begin to arrive. They are generally positioned next to me so that they can annoy fewer people. I don’t mind them as they are usually fairly well-behaved and often French. I amuse myself earwigging their conversations and watching how their leaders manage their groups. It must be quite demanding being with the same group of young people for an extended period travelling in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language. There is backup and most groups’ accommodation is assigned and pre-arranged for them.

I’m going to walk a selection of dogs in a few minutes. The first will be Oskar and Luis, the noisiest of the crowd. Just a quick socialisation walk down to Alonáki Beach and back.

I’ve received a notification that a replacement battery for my laptop is on its way from Belgium. It will be a relief to have my laptop working at full speed and not to need a large spring clip to ensure the power cord doesn’t come detached. I expect it will arrive at the end of next week of ΕΛΤΑ (ELTA) are feeling efficient.

The wind is getting up as forecast so my chimes are tinkling.


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