Getting on with it

We have close northerly neighbours again however they are not as intrusive as the previous ones. They are also not so near. The bikers, other than playing rock music, talked quite loudly and Germanically. The latest are quieter and probably Greek although I’ve not enquired.

The day started nicely with Skinny sitting [almost] calmly whilst I put on my shoes. He is on the line still, so quite noisy when he moves about, dragging the line over the decking like Marley’s Ghost.

Segue>> Incidentally, Oskar 1 : Mouse 0.

I thought I could hear a mouse in the van earlier but forgot about it so didn’t investigate. Considering how many cats I have on the staff, you’d think I wouldn’t have any mice but then again, the dogs do a pretty good job as Oskar has just proved. Skinny is also very into rodents and hunting in general, as you’d expect. He’s been fussing about on the decking area for several days sniffing and snuffling. I try to catch them and release them at the end of the Promontory however Oskar just terminated that one.

Segue ends<<

The Early Walk was uneventful other than Charlie going off chasing after nothing and making a racket which involved most of the dogs of Kountoura. His forfeit was to be put back on the lead until I let them all off at the end for the final fifteen minutes. We were back by 06:30 and Skinny, SBD and I set off up the camping. We now know one of the tents at the top of the camping has a dog so Skinny and I took an alternative route when we went out running later. I went for a swim then off to perform my most favourite task which is shopping in Paleochora. It was the turn of Antonis, Yiannis’ father to take an Apple Pay transaction from my watch. A first for him I expect. It’s a lot easier for me than scrabbling for plastic cards, entering PINs and all that caper.

The road construction proceeds at a glacial speed. The curbstones on the northern side of the road have now been fixed for about 400m. We just need the stones on the other side of the road to see the width of the carriageway. There was plenty of water being sprayed about on the unmade sections so the level of dust was tolerable. As I keep telling myself, it’ll be great when it’s finished.

I got back to the camping to find the power off yet again and my UPS beeping away merrily. Fortunately, it came back on again by around 10:00 so I was able to make tea and porridge. Not together in the same pot, I hasten to add – just for clarity. I did a little more research on eBay for a company to supply solar panels and an inverter (48v DC – 230v AC). Getting products from China is often more trouble than it’s worth although we’ll see how well the battery shipment goes. I’m probably going to order the remainder of the items from a company in Coventry as they can give me a good price, seem to know what they’re talking about and can ship to Crete for a reasonable amount of money. I’m just waiting for some more information and I’ll place the order.

Antonis called earlier to tell me he’s starting work on Sascha’s plot of land at Spaniakos tomorrow morning. He will go out early to remove the fig tree (sob, sob) so that the mini bulldozer can access the site. Mr Bulldozer Man will appear later in the day to work his magic. I’ll probably go up there early Sunday morning to take some photos for Sascha. I have just chatted to Antonis in person as he came to the camping to give me some peppers. He tells me he’s been unwell with some sort of galvanisation poisoning. Remember that he is a metalworker amongst other things. He also says he’s quite tired due to working days and nights for some reason. I nearly bought peppers this morning so am delighted he has given me some. I’ve stuffed a load of vegetables into the large fridge in the Central Kitchen as mine is full.

The dogs have had their evening walk and been fed so things are now calm and quiet. Luis and Rodent-Eater AKA Oskar, are in the van. Oskar sort of voluntarily. Fido has been told not to make any more noise or else. Charlie is on his own being quiet and SBD, Obi and Skinny are curled up asleep. The way it should be!

I’m having salad tonight as I now have multiple food choices having been shopping.


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