SunBlocker Down

The Early Walk was cool but not as rapid as I might have hoped. General lethargy had set in so it was quite slow going at times. SBD and Skinny are trying to get ahead and sometimes Obi but then Fido and Oskar just want to dilly-dally. As for Luis, say no more! We survived and were back by 06:45 whereupon Skinny and I set off for Kountoura. The wind was getting stronger so it was hard-going at some points and I’m sure we were going backwards. Swimming was a similar story but with wavelets. I ended up walking the last bit back to the shore!

Breakfast followed by a couple of IT calls: one from Lewes, the other from Melbourne. I just think she likes the sound of my voice. It was to do with setting up the new EG websites. I think Barbara is getting a little bit bogged down by it all.

The wind became stronger as the day progressed and I then involved myself with uploading the huge file to Annette’s home computer. I tried to upload it but there were so many interruptions. According to the statistics, it would take over a day to complete, so I gave up. I’m now looking into a more robust way to upload which will not start from the beginning each time the connection breaks and will not mind if either computer, sending or receiving disconnects occasionally.

The wind became so blowy I ended up taking the southern WindBlocker down and folding it up. It was blowing from the northeast so catching it just wrong.

To round off my day, another support call from Inter Sport. The wind was so strong it was blowing up the floor tiles and the groundsheet underneath.

Unperturbed by the flying floor tiles Skinny just moves onto the groundsheet.

There was no excuse not to go for an evening walk as it was not hot just windy. It was still quite slowing-going as they really don’t like it much when it’s warmer. We walked the Promontory and came back. The wind is still gusting but not up to 65km/h as earlier.

It says it all
and the wind…


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