Guess who appeared this morning?

I took the last of my antibionics last night so now need to get down to sorting out my biome. Fortunately, I have plenty of good bacteria on hand stored in the fridge. It shouldn’t take more than a month or so to recover from the effects of the antibiotics.

We were in bed at 21:40 yesterday so certain dogs were eager early so we went out commensurately early. No less than five cars were parked by the Promontory entrance: the three tents were joined by one amongst the trees on the Big Beach. There was also a dog within as Oskar pointed out as we passed. That rather limited the options for walking or letting dogs off-lead so we went over the rocks and to the crags above the lagoon. They seemed content and we returned to base.

I fed the cats to discover the mother had returned. She was pleased to see me but less pleased to see her offspring. I put down food then went out with the second sitting. SBD and Skinny were as crazy as ever and Luis vacillated between dragging and pulling. He was the only dog let off this morning and then only over the rocks. We were back by 07:45.

The morning passed peacefully with no interruptions. I spent a deal of time engaged in important research.

Some of my earlier research from the Greek Brexit website: UK citizens’ status in Greece post-Brexit.
Interesting information from the Greek Government website

This is legislation passed before the previous Brexit deadline however I’m sure it still applies. We will have to rely on our [extremely clever] Prime Minister to drag the UK screaming off the cliff on or before 31 October 2019. I was amused by the contrast between the speeches delivered in Paris by President Macron of France and our own dear leader. I must admit to surviving only the first couple of minutes of Boris’ reply. At least Macron and Merkle have been suitably entertained these past two days.

I was surprised to receive a notification from the Google Business site for a review written ten days ago. The review had moved back to the top of the list and the submission time had changed. I then realised that the review had been downgraded to four from five stars and resubmitted, This I confirmed with the original email notification and my reply which echos the stars in the rating. The customer had not left a review so it would be interesting to discover the reason for the downgrade.


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