WWII + 80

I went to bed quite early last night. Possibly too early as I had somewhat disturbed sleep in the early hours. The strong wind might not have helped and the camping was fairly restless as it’s a weekend. We were out by 05:45 and we followed the usual Early Walk procedure. On the first lap, I made out the form of a man with a dog. It was Sascha who’d got to the Promontory a little before us. I wished him Happy Beginning of WWII which didn’t actually delight him as he’s German but we know each other well enough. The topic of nationalism, Nazis and far-right is guaranteed to keep us talking for quite a while. I spent some time the other day explaining why I felt it was fairly easy for the German people to become besotted with the likes of Hitler. The same still applies if you take the time to look around you.

I passed Skinny and IZO to Sascha when we got back to the others and I took Fido and Charlie and caught him up. Around we went again, this time I gathered up the remainder for the final lap. A woman with two dogs came onto the Promontory which caused some excitement for my five. Sascha Zora, Skinny and IZO were ahead so didn’t see the other dogs. When I looked again, Sascha and the dogs had disappeared so I headed down the Promontory as I needed to dispose of some evidence. By this time we’d had enough so headed back to the camping to be joined by Sascha, Skinny and IZO after he dropped Zora at his caravan.

I’ve spent a lot of the day wrestling with mail servers but have managed to configure things so that I can progress the installation. There is more testing to carry out and I need to think about all of the implications before continuing with the deployment. The new version of Exchange Server only works with later versions of Outlook, the mail application, so some upgrades will be required.

Having wandered around the upper part of the camping I can see that most of the tents belong to the camping and the majority are unoccupied. There are still some customers in the upper section however most are nearer the centre or by the sea. More customers have left today and I think the nearest three wooden cabins with bathrooms are now empty. There have been some arrivals but I suspect that from now on it’s likely to be a bit of a one-way flow.

The wind calmed down as the day progressed so it’s been sunny and warm with a max temperature of 32.7℃ as you can see below.

The forecast remains reasonably stable for the next week or so with no significant wind.

Μιχάλησ’ pickup didn’t arrive this morning as usual and I’m sure he was enjoying a restful day away from Grammeno Camping for a change. I’ve not seen Xanthippos, then again I’ve not done much wandering around as I’ve been playing with my servers.

It seems I have some new neighbours to the north which sound like Italians. There were three five star reviews for me to reply to earlier. One customer was Italian and the others Greek. Whilst gazing through the bar cameras the other day I saw someone who looked very much like Dimitris who has been running the bar for the last couple of years. Georgia explained that she wouldn’t be asking him to come back this year as I think there was a bit of a falling-out at the end of last season. I physically met him for the first time today and he’s very much here. Maybe she made him an offer he couldn’t refuse!

It was eighty years ago today that World War II began in Europe with the bombarding of Danzig by the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein. I understand there are to be commemorative events which will be attended by various dignitaries, however, I believe President Trump will be represented by his Vice President, Mike Pence. Trump cancelled at the last minute citing preparations for the arrival of a hurricane approaching Florida. He is gathering his strength by playing some golf at his resort in Virginia having flown there from Camp David. I’m sure those attending the event in Warsaw will be perfectly delighted Mike Pence will be representing the USA.

Angela Merkel was not planning to attend, however, like Trump, she had a last-minute change of heart so is attending after all. I feel certain the two events are entirely unconnected. England’s Prime Minister is too busy plotting his no-deal Brexit so is also unable to spare the time. He is represented by Dominic Raab in Warsaw and Sadiq Khan in Gdańsk.


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