Return of the flies

No distant flashes as the storms of yesterday have concentrated themselves over Turkey and Georgia, Italy and Sicily as well as Albania also a bit of northern Greece but not the south or the Aegean area. The thunderstorm season is undoubtedly approaching and also the time of year for those little Mediterranean storms of which we heard so much last year with the ‘Medicane’ which really wound up one particular customer. The storm definitely existed but sloped off to annoy everyone on the mainland rather than the majority of the islands. We have that to look forward to as well as winter. It will be interesting to see how winter decides to manifest itself. We had plenty of water last winter so maybe it’ll be cool or cold this year.

We walked and generally pottered about. Luis returned at the end puffing and panting. I’m not sure where he’d been and it’s probably better not to know. The others stuck pretty close to me. Some not out of choice. IZO was very lively today making the walk quite tiring. It’ll be good when I’m able to let IZO and Skinny wear themselves out a bit. There are still too many people on the camping to risk them coming back to disturb the peace. We were back around 07:00 and I got on with clearing up after last night and making breakfast. I felt hungry earlier so was stuffing my face when Sascha came to return Skinny who’d vanished into the camping over the fence. Strange really as he’d been off his lead since yesterday evening. Needless to say, he’s confined to the line again for a while. Hopefully, he’ll decide the disadvantages of being on the line outweigh the advantages of going out of bounds into the camping. The last two escape attempts have brought him up to see Zora whereupon Sascha has brought him straight back. Maybe he’ll eventually get the message although I’m not about to hold my breath!

After an initial support session with EG, the day has been relatively peaceful. I’ve been getting organised to progress my solar project once I’m less encumbered. I feel it’s going to be a while before Antonis is able to fit the solar panels anyway. I have sixteen batteries to charge up and balance then build into a battery bank. I have yet to decide on a good location for the batteries bearing in mind that each of the sixteen weighs around 10kg giving a total of 160kg – too heavy to drag about once constructed but about half the weight of an equivalent lead-acid battery configuration. In any event, I’m still awaiting the arrival of cables and switches from UK and straps from China. Everything takes forever from China anyway. Something to do with it being a long way away I suppose.

My thumb support arrived today. One week since I ordered it. I’ve not got it correctly adjusted as yet: I’m still experimenting with the ‘settings’. It’s much less cumbersome than the heavy splint and the bandage but then I’m not sure it gives the same level of protection. That said, I’m able to stretch the damaged skin which must be a good thing. I’m also able to use my hand more and it’s far less tiring than having the heavy splint. Technically, I should be wearing the splint until Wednesday but I’ll see how it goes on the Early Walk tomorrow. I think it’s time to start moving things a little bit anyway or it’s going to take forever and a day to get my thumb properly operational again.

Skinny went AWOL yet again. This time he was on the beach being made a fuss of by Georgia and her entourage. I was about to collar him when Maria came to tell me the appliance had arrived and to ask me to sort out the computer, telephone and EPOS card machine(s) in reception. This I did then went back to the beach to recuperate Skinny who had, by this time, disappeared. We ended up having a long conversation with Georgia as she recounted the problems experienced during the summer. Many were due to the number of customers. Apparently, Maria just kept them coming as she didn’t have the heart to turn them away as they’d come from afar. I feel that many problems can be overcome by greater efficiency. Apparently, there are plans to put in even more showers and toilets.

We’ve walked and the dogs are fed. I need to feed myself as it’s getting late. The family which is occupying on of the nearby cabins is back but the dogs are quite used to noise next door since the group, so appear unperturbed.


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