Dining out at Anydri

Noisy neighbours arrived back noisily at 03:15 and seemed to be getting up at 07:15 – hardly worth the money booking one of the enhanced cabins considering how much time they didn’t spend sleeping. They could at least benefit from the private loo and shower I suppose…

Our Early Walk was moonlit, cool and still. I did consider casting off my fleece at one point but my better judgement prevailed. I had to employ TWO blankets during the night even though it was a couple of degrees warmer than the previous cool night. Maybe I’m getting soft. The walk was fairly uneventful even though Charlie found something else to bark at. We were close by so went to see the object of his barkiness to find nothing. At which point, I called Luis to follow us up the Promontory for a wander over the rocks as it was the final lap. Charlie was nowhere to be seen at the collection point and may have thought we were all heading back when we came to see why he was barking. He was waiting in the compound when we returned. I closed the gate having put the others inside, to discover Charlie on the wrong side of it. I let him in and he went straight to his house whereupon I locked him in.

Skinny and I set off for our Kountoura jog listening to a TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read) podcast. Regrettably, the sound levels were a little low so the podcast was sometimes drowned out by passing traffic. The jog was also particularly uneventful and we were back in a reasonable time for a swim. Me, not Skinny, as I’m not sure how he feels about swimming. I met a woman from CBV as we walked towards the sea. We had a chat about living in Crete and she asked me if I was bored in the winter. I explained that with seven dogs it’s quite hard to be bored. I then mentioned the four/five cats and she realised I was completely mad and beyond any help. She wasn’t in the sea for very long but I think that was down to me as she wanted her breakfast and to get back to her husband who was waiting.

My dogs were waiting patiently for me to return and to let them out. I took the opportunity to put some washing in the machine having presoaked the worst of it the day before. I realised with only one wash it would never get clean. There has been so much wind that everything is very dusty.

Breakfast out of the way I had a busy morning with lots of small IT support jobs. We were going out for a meal at 16:00 so only a very light lunch was called for. The time crept up, I went for a shower and got ready. Plenty of freshly washed clothes on the line to choose from. The meal at To Skolieo was as expected and we were there quite some while as no one seemed in a hurry to leave. I had a Skolieo salad and giant beans in tomato sauce. Janne and Erica had some errands to run in Paleochor and Steffi, Sascha, Zora and I stopped off to look at a children’s educational project in the valley from Anydri. It was very interesting and must be great fun for small children.

Sascha wanted to stop quickly at Petrakis and then we were back at the camping. The dogs had been alone for a while so were anxious for their walk so required a little calming down before we went out. All is quiet now as we’ve walked and they have eaten. Luis is still inside and the cats, always a noisy distraction, have also been fed. All except one who is being pampered by Erica. I understand he has made himself comfortable in their van and is gradually educating Erica as to what he expects of her. I hear she is glad to respond and he says she’s a good learner.

My Rings are closed I’ve already eaten so I suspect it’s not going to be late tonight. I’m almost afraid to move from this chair as it’s so quiet all around so I dare not disturb the silence.


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