New moon tomorrow

The last, flimsy fragment of moon was coming over the horizon as we walked up the Promontory. It will be darker from tomorrow until the middle of October. Only another month and the hour changes and Winter Time begins.

Oskar was the first to succumb and sat out circuit two and three – lazy Oskar! The others slowed down a little by the third one. General lethargy today it seems. They were ALL let off the lead and they ALL came back at the end although Skinny was more interested in barking at a distant nothing than coming to me. I took the others and left Luis, who was with Skinny. He came racing after me leaving Skinny to find himself alone. With his long legs, Skinny easily caught up and came to me to be attached to his lead. Otherwise, the walk was uneventful.

The run to Kountoura was equally unexciting although it did include a little puppy stroking on the way. The German Shepherd bothered only to bark once as we passed the greenhouses on the return leg. I notice several greenhouses have been demolished and seedlings are being planted out in the open in one location. Perhaps they are growing cabbages? These greenhouses are mostly wood and polythene so are quickly demolished and rebuilt. They get wonky after a few years and the soil gets used up so a periodic refresh is a good idea.

I went for a swim and then breakfast which was followed by some gentle administration work. I needed to sort out some tax returns for Matthew and some other stuff for EG. I concentrated on my equipment removal project yesterday so decided my hand could have a day off today. The afternoon has progressed Sue’s new computer at Inter Sport.

Janne and Erica have been busy out and about in Paleochora this morning as well as cycling to a nearby beach for a swim this afternoon and I notice they are out again now! They are concerned that their little cat is still under the weather and seems to have gone off somewhere. I’ve not seen him for several days: why would he bother with a self-service canteen with the riff-raff when he has royal treatment with Janne and Erica? Hopefully, he’ll turn up soon.

Following the departure of the eleven Italian motorhomes, the camping looks a little deserted. I noticed only two motorhomes along the beach this morning on my way down to the sea. I think there have been more arrivals since then. The wooden cabins appear to be full from what I can make out with the number of towels draped around and about. The bar and restaurant are both still open whether they are profitable is another matter. Maria has not mentioned how long she plans to stay this season but I’d expect her to be here until the beginning of November.

The high for today is 31.8℃ and the forecast is for more of the same for the next few days. There was a brief mention of some showers and thunderstorms the other day and again for next weekend however I see these have now been downgraded to virtual insignificance. It was warm enough for me to sit outside until bedtime last night with only a polo shirt and shorts.

Καλή (AKA Princes) with Pea on their first encounter for several months.


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