A soggy start to the day

Poor Skinny was attached to the fence waiting for the others when there was a short shower. I was in the process of marshalling the dogs ready to depart for the Early Walk and the shower came. It lasted only a few seconds and was just sufficient to dampen the sand and the decking. A few moments later, we set off across the field where I could see a couple of vehicles in the distance parked along Alonáki Beach. One was the motorhome from the previous evening, the other a 4×4 and a caravan. I recall seeing that combination back in the summer. We pressed on to the Promontory which was quite dark due to the cloudy sky. It was cooler with a very slight breeze. The wind has shifted to the southwest as has the sea. It’s too rough for sensible swimming this morning but may moderate as the day progresses. Ursula and Heidi were waiting at the end of the Promontory as we completed the second lap. Oskar had to be persuaded to participate as he would have preferred to surrender at the end of the first. I took Skinny, accompanied by Charlie and Luis, on the final lap leaving Ursula to potter about with the remaining dogs. We nearly got our feet wet as we crossed the rocks and negotiated the location where the water flows over into the lagoon. Water was already flowing from the south side. Only Fido and Charlie were with me and I only got very slightly damp feet. All of the dogs arrived back at the collection point so we had biscuits before setting off back to the camping. Another shower started at that point, more determined than the previous as it probably lasted a couple of minutes and became quite aggressive at one point. I now know that Skinny is not a fan of the rain.

Back at the camping, I fed the cats and met Ursula to relieve her of the other dogs. I then got ready to take Skinny on the Kountoura bakery run. Tony has an apple pie this morning. As I was going out of the gate the cats were sitting waiting outside. They were initially wary of Skinny which is hardly surprising given their size difference. They approached me to be petted and slowly became more confident with Skinny. It would have made a great photo. The large, white dog with the small cats all around.

The sea was too rough for swimming so I got on with breakfast. The wind got calmer and the sun got stronger. I read then newspapers and then it was time for my weekly call home.

After a spot of lunch, I busied myself with nothing in particular although I’m sure I managed to accomplish some important things. As the afternoon wore on, the sky became more overcast and it was even quite chilly as we drank tea and munched flapjack outside Tony and Ursula’s cabin in the company of Eliza with IZO as a frequent visitor. Luis seemed more accommodating towards IZO than yesterday and managed to lie down and ignore him eventually. Peter wandered up from the bar and also joined us. It was getting on by this time and the dogs were becoming restless as it was approaching that time of the day. I left Luis to amuse the assembled throng and went back to walk the others.

The two vehicles were still on Alonáki Beach as we passed to go to the Promontory. I was prepared this time so there our passage was more stately than yesterday. We had a good walk with only a couple of fishermen decorating the eastern rocks. The sea had calmed down since this morning so there was less need to dodge the waves. There is quite a bit of water in the lagoon.

We came back to the distant wailing of Luis as we crossed the field. He’d been deposited there by Ursula after his perambulation with Heidi. The dogs are now fed and relaxing and I have something in the Instant Pot which requires my attention.

A little cooler today with even a little rain this morning.


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