Remember, remember…

Happy Guy Fawkes Day to everyone in UK! Unimaginable amounts of money will be going up in smoke tonight. Try explaining why an entire nation still celebrates an event which didn’t take place on 5 November 1605 to someone who is not from Britain.

It was warm at 04:55 and is still 22.2℃ as I write this evening. The Early Walk was much the same as any other morning except that it was somewhat darker due to the clouds overhead and humidity in the sand and the trees. I needed to use my torch for longer than usual and Ursula said she was still having trouble quite late on. We were back in the camping by 07:00 so I went to collect my washing at the same time as I turned on the water heater for the showers. I hung up as much as I could but needed more pegs which I eventually borrowed from Ursula and Tony. Skinny and I went on the bakery run to return with a cheese, ham and tomato pie for Tony. I delivered the pie at the same time as I scrounged some pegs to enable me to hang up the remainder of my washing.

I bumped into the German lady who needed some washing done so put on her first load whilst I went back to eat my breakfast. When this was ready she had another load to go in. I had to get a computer ready at Inter Sport so I got on with this. The other computer I was planning to install was no done as Sue was off preparing for Bonfire. I installed and am updating the new computer.

I transferred over the information from the customer sheets to my own spreadsheet system as this is the way I prefer to work. I fill in the sheets once the customer leaves but cannot bear to use such an antiquated and inefficient method of working. I’m afraid I don’t have the Greek talent for pushing paper around. I finally managed to work out what all the little notes and random figures referred to. Eventually.

I managed to tear myself away from EPOS systems and computers to join Tony and Ursula for tea and chocolate brownie. I understand the chocolate is a different type from that which was used for the first mixture. There was nearly a fatal event as the electricity went off for a little while when the mix was in the oven. I explained to Ursula that she was in a win-win situation. If the cake turned out well, she could take credit DESPITE the problems with the electricity. If it was less than satisfactory she’d be able to blame the outage for the failure.

After tea, we walked dogs: Ursula took Luis with Heidi. He was pleased to see us when we got back but displeased about being locked in on his own.

We said goodbye to Austrian Lady AKA Andrea. Ursula tied IZO up so that he wouldn’t be tempted to run off after her car. He was planted firmly on a sunbed outside her cabin when I went down there after feeding my cats this evening. I’d forgotten to collect the bag of cat food which Andrea had left on the table for me. I also fed the mother of the kittens but will not be surprised to have more visitors in the morning. My lot had eaten all the food in their bowls and were queuing up as I doled it out.

The weather’s not looking that stable for Friday and part of the weekend but we’ll see…


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