Manic Monday (morning)

Up and at ’em as usual just after 05:00. The walk went without incident and I left Luis and Oskar with Charlie whilst Fido, Obi, Skinny and I completed two circuits. We walked the rocks with dry feet and went back to the camping via the field. There are sheep in the field but they are mostly at the other end and don’t appear to take any notice of the dogs.

Skinny and I went jogging to Kountoura returning pastryless as is the new norm. I showered and then cycled into Paleochora for food for me and for the animals. I was at the checkout when Yannis arrived so he supervised the delivery of 110kg dog food, 14 large tins of dog meat and 20kg cat food. The whole lot, including my shopping, came to €200. That should hopefully keep us going until Christmas.

I’d set my breakfast to cook on the timer so needed only to get it out of the Instant Pot. I had a feeling Monday might be busy so wanted to get ahead of the game. Sure enough, I received a call from Louise and then one from Jo at EG as well as one from Inter Sport. That kept me busy for a few hours until I noticed a message from Peter wanting to put washing in the machine. I went and dealt with that and he told me that he was planning to look after IZO as he felt sorry for him. I set him up with a food and water bowl as well as some doggy biscuits just having taken delivery of so much. I hope they get on well together as I think it will be good for both of them.

Peter was about to go and try out the E-Bike I took out last Sunday all the way to Kantanos. I’m not sure that Peter went that far but he told me he had a good time out on it. Earlier, he was talking about getting a small motorscooter or similar but I suggested he’d get more benefit from an E-Bike as he has to pedal so would get exercise and improve his fitness. There is also the benefit of not having insurance, tax and all the other inconveniences of keeping a vehicle.

In the afternoon, I set up a motion-sensitive LED solar light above the storeroom and workshop north elevation so that I can find my way back in the dark without tripping over the inevitable cats lurking outside in the darkness. I mostly have my headtorch but there are times when I don’t have it leaving myself stumbling around in the dark. The installation process involved fixing the light to a piece of wood which I then attached to the reinforcing rods protruding from the top of the building. This way I can move the light fairly easily if it doesn’t perform as I hope. Easier than drilling holes in the side of the building and, anyway, the solar panel for the light would be in the shadow of the building when the sun is at a low angle in the winter which is when the light is most needed.

The Evening Walk took place under stormy clouds but there is no rain forecast so we must be safe! We were back in the dark, they have been fed and Luis is snoring quietly beside me.

The weather has gone back to being warm again as it was over 32℃ as I sat here working earlier. There is hardly any wind but some rain is forecast for later in the week and also at the weekend. But it could all change by then…

My supper is ready and I’m ready to eat it. So I’m going for it!


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