Only once!

I was surprised when it was the alarm that woke me and not Isabella. Admittedly, she got me out of bed to go for a wee around 23:30 but I didn’t really wake up so was out for the count again pretty quickly. Considering she was asleep for most of the evening lying on a blanket under the canopy on her own. I hope my regime of plenty of exercise is getting to her and calming her down as a result.

She found herself unwillingly back in her crate for the hour I took out the other dogs but she appeared to enjoy being out with Skinny, Fido and Obi on the reprise. Today she was more annoying to Obi and Skinny so I needed to tell her off many times. Better for me to do it than leave it to them. They are very tolerant of her considering how bouncy and annoying she can be at times.

Skinny and I ran to Kountoura and we stopped off at Vlisidis supermarket on the way back. I’d planned to cycle into Petrakis to shop but with the chance of Xanthippos arriving wanting access to the workshop and the heating engineers working in the laundry room, I thought it better to postpone my visit until Monday. The heating guys are installing the water heater Georgia mentioned a few weeks ago and paid for more recently. In the summer, there is plenty of sunshine to heat water for the showers but then there are also a lot of customers in the camping in July and August who exhaust the hot water. Apparently, there were a lot of complaints this summer. I’m not certain why as I simply use the ‘cold’ water seeing as it isn’t even cold at that time of the year. I feel the showers are profligate with the hot water. As I’ve mentioned previously, I’d premix the water, reduce the pressure and fit finer shower heads to save water.

After my shower and my breakfast was safely in the Instant Pot, I took Isabella out for a short walk around the block. Not all the way as that includes the road, but from the field gate along Alonáki Beach returning by the beach gate into the camping and then round back to the van. This includes a visit to the German family who are about to embark on their seventh night.

It was soon time for the weekly phone call home so I bade farewell to the Germans who’d just put in their second load of washing during their stay. With a baby and small son, they’re going to create a load of washing.

After my call, I returned the clean laundry and walked Isabella round a bit. She was not too energetic and went to sleep with all the others so that I could get on with some other things. The heating guys left so I went to lock up the laundry room and to pick up some stray poo deposited by Isabella and the odd cat.

It was now time for the Evening Walk which was a lot calmer and quicker than the previous night. I thought I saw some other dogs on Alonáki Beach but fortunately, the dogs didn’t. We are all now safely back and digesting our respective meals. Mine is cooking in the Instant Pot so it will be a few minutes until it’s ready.

The weather is still mild. The top temperature is 22.2℃ and it’s still 19℃. The minimum is 16.8℃ so not too cold. The outlook remains fairly stable with mostly sunny days although some of the nights will be cooler. Monday morning threatens to be 12℃! I understand it’s 1℃ in Lewes today but then that’s England and it’s December so what would one expect?

For some reason, yesterday’s blog failed to post correctly so the subscriber emails were not sent. That blog has now been posted and I’m told by Ursula that she received the normal emailed copy as well as my email containing a link to the blog page.

I received and enquiry from a lady who wishes to bring a tent and would like to reserve from 23 December to 13 January. I warned her it may be cold and damp and suggested she might consider some of our accommodation.

Looking at the security camera which looks towards the main gate, I can see that a spider has generously made its web in front of the camera. This only shows up at night when the infrared lights in the camera come on. I’ll need to get my ladder out to clean the cameras.


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