An extremely lazy and unproductive Sunday

Isabella and I had a little excursion into the compound to make some deposits around 03:00 but it was still warm enough not to hurry back in. At least her bed remains dry and there is no other unpleasantness. We used the same walk method as the previous day with Isabella going out on a second walk, this time with Skinny on a long lunge and Fido doing his own thing. I felt that Obi was getting fed up with her bothering him although he seemed up for coming along.

The walks out of the way, we departed for Kountoura as normal. There were people in the cafeteria but few out on the roads as it is Sunday. The sky and sea were blue and the sun was shining, it was a lovely morning.

Back at the factory, I had a shower, put my breakfast on to cook then took Isabella out on her 1:1 walk. We picked up some more rubbish from the Big Beach which I’d dragged up from the water’s edge on a previous occasion. The Big Beach is virtually clear of rubbish now.

After breakfast, Manolis drove into the camping to deliver 200l diesel for the new water heater. We think the tank will hold up to 800l. He tells me that heating diesel cost €1.10/litre which is around €0.6 cheaper than road diesel. I’m just wondering how economical this turns out to be. The tank is on top of the laundry room so has to be filled with a long delivery pipe via a ladder. I suppose it would deter anyone from stealing the heating oil.

I got on with a little ‘not very much’ as one does on a Sunday. I was watching YouTube videos and stumbled upon a review of the RadPower RadRhino E-Bike which seemed to get a good rating. It’s an all-round bike with fat tyres which should be comfortable, a rear rack, mudguards and lights all part of the package. The motor is 750w and the battery 650mw/h. Range is dependent on terrain, wind, the amount of pedalling you’re prepared to do etc but it could be up to 75km. It’s a low-end made-in-china bike but I think it’s worth a try. I found the company has an EU site and will deliver free to most of Europe. The bike is €1,500 with a special Cyber Monday discount which is very cheap as e-bikes go and right at the lower end of bikes which are worth purchasing. I’m going to make sure that delivery to Crete is actually free and practical and most likely purchase!

As the afternoon arrived, I took Isabella for another little walk to keep her tired and we dropped off for a chat with Peter who was hard at work watching videos on his iPad. He tells me he’s going back to England for Christmas but will return to Grammeno before the New Year.

I received an email from a Finnish couple who say they plan to arrive before Christmas and would like to stay for about one month. The Swiss couple is here for another week and put a load in the washing machine this morning. I took it to them in two trips!

The dogs have been mostly quiet today however the change in temperature and wind got them all excited this afternoon with Isabella ‘fighting’ with Skinny. A sight to behold indeed. It’s hard to know how much of Skinny’s behaviour towards Isabella is genuine and how much he’s putting it on.

I fed all the pussies and then took the dogs out for the Evening Walk. The Promontory was deserted which is hardly surprising as it’s windy and quite chilly. The Greeks will be inside sitting in front of their wood fires as only Northern Europeans walk their dogs under similar conditions.

My December Challenge from the Apple Activity app is to complete at least 3,650 minutes of exercise during the month which works out to around 117 minutes each day. So far, I’ve managed 122 minutes.

Interestingly, I’ve just received an email from RadPower e-bikes exhorting me to complete my order before stocks run out of their special offer. I put the bike in the shopping basket and went through the checkout process to see if delivery was really included in the price. I then went back and added a few accessories: some panniers, a spare tyre, tube and set of brake pads. I expect I’ll receive another email shortly now that I’ve updated the shopping basket. It shows they are an enterprising company and I understand support is good and there’s even a twenty-four-month guarantee!


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