So tired!

I did have to get up in the night but it was a brief affair. It was calm and dry as I came out of the tent with Skinny having released Isabella from her cage. She followed all of the other dogs to the gate so I decided we’d try taking her with us for the entire walk instead of coming back halfway to swap over the dogs. She’s had a lesson in not annoying the others the previous evening so I was interested to see how she behaved this morning. I had to verbally remind her a couple of times about pulling leads or pestering others but generally, she seemed to be behaving well. I left Luis, Charlie and Oskar tied to a tree and took Obi, Skinny and Fido, with Isabella following on behind for three trips around the Promontory: one more than usual. On the fourth lap, I picked up the others so that all six dogs completed the final lap together and were allowed off the lead to walk over the rocks. We then met up at the normal location for leads and biscuits before walking back to the camping. Isabella was subdued by all the exercise and simply collapsed into a heap upon return. The others were in the van however she lay on one of the blankets under the awning.

Skinny and I set off for Kountoura leaving Isabella alone and not in her cage as normal. I felt she was too tired to get into any mischief. She managed to get to her feet when we returned to greet us as we came back into the compound. I then went for a shower leaving her and Skinny together.

I put in some washing for the Swiss couple and then went back to prepare my breakfast. I got somewhat sidetracked so ended up taking the completed laundry back to them before actually eating my breakfast. Isabella had recovered some energy so came too. She also played with IZO when we went down to see Peter. A little later the power went off so I went for a walk around the camping however she declined my invitation so I took Luis in her place. We wandered up to see how Manolis was doing with his installations in the new location. He has his caravan and Antonis has put down two metal structures for his kitchen and a small cabin similar to those in the camping. He said it didn’t matter about electricity which was a good thing as the generator doesn’t serve that part of the camping anyway. We went to the office to check on the router to discover there was an Internet connection despite the lack of electricity. It would seem that OTE, the phone company, has got their act together and installed backup in their roadside cabinets.

The guy who runs the electrical/plumbing firm arrived and asked if Georgia was in the camping. I replied that she was not. He then wanted to check the boiler installation was still functioning properly so I followed him down to the laundry room to unlock. He explained that the water heater uses around 1 litre of diesel per hour which is quite efficient. He then went up to see Manolis and I walked down to speak to the Swiss about the lack of power. We had a chat whilst they fussed Luis and eventually the power came back on so I went back to the others.

The afternoon was not terribly active although I cleared up the heap of plastic containers and created some more seating space seeing as there are now more and larger dogs inside at night. I took Isabella, who’d recovered from her exercise, together with Fido, to the recycling bins in the Grammeno Beach car park. We then went for a little walk around the Promontory. Fido and Isabella played nicely and ran about exuberantly. We went back to the camping, I fed the cats and then we all went out for the Evening Walk.

Both the Early and Evening walks went well today and everyone behaved nicely. There was a virtually full moon to light the way as we went back to the camping.

Luis is now snoring loudly from under my chair and I need to fill up the dog biscuit bin and then prepare something to eat for myself. Another Sunday passes…


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