More rain and showers

The Early Walk was not early as it started to rain just as I was about to get up. It continued to rain so I fell asleep until around 06:20 when I checked out the forecast to have another go. The dogs were ready to leave, we got out the gate and down came more rain so we turned around and came back inside for a few minutes. Take three and we went out in drizzle to do our thing. I noticed that Isabella had not accompanied us so we walked two laps with everyone and then went back to the camping. I collected up Isabella, dropped Luis, Charlie and Oskar, then set off for the second part of the walk. The total walk was 8.67km although that included walking up and down the beach throwing a stick for the Bull Terrier in T1. Just like old times with Boris. He managed to bring the stick back on most occasions however we had to go through a charade for me to regain the stick to throw it once more. It came over cloudy and rainy so Isabella and I adjourned to the van where I put on some breakfast.

Georgia phoned to say the heating engineer would come shortly to fix the boiler and she explained she’d only just received the message I’d sent twenty-four hours earlier. I had some breakfast and what little remained of the morning floated by.

The weather has been a mixture of sunny intervals, showers and sometimes heavy rain. Precipitation since midnight is 16mm yet there is more to come tonight and early in the morning. Tomorrow is forecast to be more of the same but from Sunday onwards the weather should stabilise reverting to mostly sunny and highs around 20℃. Still very good considering it’s December.

The inclement weather prevented a morning run but I’ve done quite a bit of wandering around the camping to make up for it. I’m back to turning on the immersion heater in the hot water tank so that the customers can have a hot shower. This involves quite a bit of additional wandering about although I was quite getting used to not having to remember to do it enjoying the always-on benefits of the oil boiler. Maybe the replacement part will arrive soon.

There was no Evening Walk as the morning one was quite long and chances of getting drowned were fairly high. The idea of sharing my life with seven wet dogs doesn’t do it for me one bit.

My media computer remains out of order so I’ll be entertaining myself with my laptop once again. Isabella and Fido are at my feet, Oskar to my right, Luis to the left, Charlie opposite and Skinny curled up in the corner of the bench seat. Luis is very involved with cleaning his feet. What a happy domestic situation. I may have forgotten to mention the heating is on with a warm breeze blowing at my feet. Time for some food!


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