A bit of a telling off

I heard the rainfall during the night but fortunately, it was over by getting-up time. We set off hoping for a dry walk and other than a little light rain for a few minutes, we escaped a bath. At the end of the walk, I took all of the dogs back to the van then set off again with Skinny and Isabella armed with a large pair of croppers. Today was the day to prune back all those annoying branches which I’ve been meaning to get rid of in years! It was getting light so I was able to do the job and get back again quite quickly.

It was quite wet underfoot and windy so I decided that I’d give running a miss. I did rather a lot of exercise yesterday and would fit in a few extra short walks to make up for the lack of running. The sea was very rough as we walked back to the camping with waves breaking against the rocks sending clouds of spray into the air. The lagoon was full as waves were breaking over the causeway and the rocks.

Not feeling too active, I sat at my computer before going for a shower and getting some breakfast. There was little going on today and even Xanthippos decided not to work although I saw him come into the camping and go briefly to the workshop. He can’t keep away.

The morning was warm and sunny but windy even though the forecast was for rain too. I took Isabella for a walk around the Promontory and then had a chat with some of the customers. The sky clouded over as the day went on, eventually developing into showers and then heavy rain. I went up to the office to check on one of the cameras when the showers began so I abandoned that job and headed back to the van.

My next distraction was to play with my Raspberry Pi, the small computer which has been looking after the WiFi network for the past year or so. My media computer has been having problems and takes forever to boot up each time. It also uses quite a bit of power too. I’ve now managed to get the Pi to play videos from an external drive as well as over the network from a NAS. It takes hardly any time to start up and does everything I need it to and it’s small.

There was no evening walk due to the rain and showers so I hoovered out the van to get rid of some of the dog hairs and spiders’ webs. It’s been looking like something from The Munsters and the spiders were not even bothering to catch the mosquitoes. I was just getting the food ready for the dogs and turned away to get the biscuits to see Isabella munching her way through Obi’s meat. I grabbed her and ejected her from inside the tent. She was followed by the other dogs who chased her around the compound for a little. I gave her meat to Obi and put her biscuits in her crate where she usually eats her food to avoid problems with her trying to sneak food from the others. She is confined to barracks for the time being. The others are inside with me watching quite an uninspiring American comedy from the vast repertoire on my external hard disk.

Rain is forecast for tonight and tomorrow morning so more joy to follow!


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