Too chilly

The Northeasterly wind was much chillier than yesterday morning although the difference in temperature was insignificant. Our walk was uneventful although I suspect, from all the doggy excitement, the intrepid fisherman was around somewhere about.

I’d charged my bike battery and considered the possibility of a longer ride. The cold and increasing northerly wind persuaded me otherwise however I went up and over the pass toward Sarakina and investigated a small community near to the top. The forecast threatened rain for today and the sky bore witness to the fact so I chickened out of a major ride and settled for something around 19km once a trip around Paleochora had been completed. I can state that there are no puppies in the PAWS puppy village and the pedestrian/cycle route alongside the new road is coming along well. There were several groups of workers dedicated to different sections and soon there should be around 1km of cyclable track albeit on concrete and not the final tarmac finish.

There have been few excitements to my day other than a small IT task for LBS and properly installing the new Raspberry Pi with a fresh data card and installation of Raspberrian.

The day became progressively colder and windier with a north/east predominance to the wind. I’m sitting outside writing this but am looking forward to going inside very soon.

Isabella is confined to her crate for hanging around Obi, one of the slowest eaters, trying to coerce him to abandon his food. This is something, however, with which I definitely will not put so she was unceremoniously dumped back into her house. She will continue to cool her heels until I decide otherwise although Obi has long since eaten his food.

The forecast rain starting last night has, as yet, failed to materialise and I now see we are likely to have a northerly aspect for the next few days with highs around 10℃ and lows of 5-6℃ with the possibility of occasional showers.

Beetroot and lentils is the dish of the day with a rather bedraggled carrot as an afterthought as I felt it might not last much longer. A fine and warming repast. The heating has been on since before the Evening Walk which was brisk as a result of the cooler temperatures. At least my shower was lovely and hot this afternoon!


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