That train again

There was a little sogginess as we arrived at the entrance to the Promontory but it lasted only a minute or so. The idea of having to take the dogs back to the van didn’t appeal. There was an apparition in the form of Ursula who arrived around 06:45. Isabella was keen to see her so I let her go. There was a slight hesitation as Isabella made sure it was the right person. This was followed by huge excitement which we could hear as I disappeared into the gloom with the other dogs. We had one more trip around to do before the dogs were let off and then went racing off in search of Ursula and Isabella. There was playfulness before crossing the rocks where Ursula and Obi met us at the other end. Isabella took Ursula back to the camping whilst I put the others inside and fed the cats. I wanted to go into Paleochora to the post office as I had a docket to collect packages.

My bike battery was quite low and the wind was behind me so I rode in on low power arriving at the post office at 07:59. It was only then that I saw the reduced opening times had been further reduced from 08:00 to 08:30. I went to Petrakis and did my shopping then visited the bakery for a spinach pie for Tony. The clock at the post office said it was only 08:10 when I returned so I waited patiently outside. An employee came out to ask what I wanted at 08:15 and dealt with my parcel request. I understand there is a plan to close the post office in Paleochora which would be a retrograde step in my opinion.

I was glad to have reserved my battery as there was a strong wind against me on the way back. I delivered the pastry to Tony and joined them for a cup of tea. It was a little while later that I made my breakfast and opened my packages. One parcel was a case for my Raspberry Pi which enables me to use it without having an annoying cooling fan whining away in the background. The other two were for items I’d ordered months ago from China. I’d informed the suppliers the items hadn’t arrived so they were in the process of refunding my money. The items have arrived so I’m very glad. Better late than never I suppose.

The remainder of the day was to do with IT support calls and general camping duties. The refugees have decided they’re not going to get any work so are leaving. Only Zaher intends to stay so I’ve been renegotiating the arrangement between Maria and Georgia.

I spent time playing with the water boiler but eventually gave up and used the electric heater for the main bathrooms.

I joined Ursula and Tony for tea and flapjack. The weather had been sunny and mostly warm during the day but rain began to fall as the sun was setting. The Evening Walk didn’t take place so I used the time to prepare my supper and to feed the dogs. Rain is still rattling the roof and may well continue into the night. Xanthippos has spent much of the day spreading fertilizer so some gentle rain will cause it to soak into the ground. He tells me he has only one flowerbed to do tomorrow.

I think I’d better eat my supper before I fall asleep listening to Trump.

I’ve just been out the loo and can hear that train again. The sound of the wind pushing the sea up the beach must be impressive for those parked near to the beach. I recall what it was like during the months I was down there.


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