Tough day in the Sin Bin

It was time to replenish the large plastic container for the doggy biscuits last night. I could see there was quite a bit of ‘dust’ at the bottom so emptied the remaining biscuits into Skinny’s bowl and put them into the freezer compartment of the fridge in the storeroom. The fridge is broken so used for storage only. This evening, I took the bowl out and put it on the table with the other bowls. I went inside to collect the tin of meat and was joined by some of the other dogs. I came out to distribute the meat to discover Luis helping himself to the biscuits demolishing half that were there. I unceremoniously removed him to Isabella’s crate then locked him in. My back was turned only momentarily meanwhile Isabella had taken Luis’ place and was devouring the remainder. She found herself on a rapid journey to the SDC where she has already spent most of the day having run the compound gate into the camping earlier. Both Isabella and Fido ran the gate so were both confined to the Small Dog Compound.

The Early Walk was warm and starless due to clouds however the moon managed to find a way through. The walk was uneventful especially as Obi, and Charlie remained on the lead as a result of the rotting corpse incident the day before. Added to that, we have customers in the camping who have dogs.

I put the dogs inside then adjourned to the shower and the washing machine. I wanted to put my washing in so had a shower and changed my clothes before riding into Petrakis to order pet food. Yiannis was at the counter so I ordered the animal food and picked up some bits for myself. The pet food has since been delivered and put away in the storeroom.

I returned and emptied the washing machine but then gave a washing bowl to Kirsti so she could wash her dog blankets. Peter sent a text to say he was back so I went down the camping to greet him getting waylaid by Georgia on the way. I’d previously put my breakfast in the Pot so left Peter to go back to eat it. It was more like lunchtime by now so I was quite looking forward to something to eat. I’d only just started eating when Xanthippos called asking if I’d join Georgia who was agonising over the positioning of the new showers. They had laid out the position of the proposed concrete slab base on measurements taken from the huge cubicles in the main bathroom. I suggested much smaller showers as the layout jutted out further than the previous cubicles. We got Xanthippos to place a panel in position and agreed that it looked horrible. The only option was to remove the two olive trees and to move the showers back towards the main bathroom block. There are now two fewer olives on the site. Despite the inconvenient hour, I was pleased to be consulted as the proposed positioning would have been horrible.

Following ‘breakfast’ I put a load of washing in the machine for Peter and we had a bit of a catchup. He was unaware of the ‘rule’ which charges foreign vehicles an ‘import’ tax if they remain in Greece longer than six months. If you’re migrating to Greece, you can bring your own car and other possessions in for free. His van appeared on the Radio Paleochora website so is a bit of a giveaway! He’s considering what to do…

It was time for the Evening Walk so we set off as usual. It was a pleasant evening with no one around so some of the dogs could have a bit of a run. Isabella was reasonably well behaved and managed to refrain from attacking Obi who was on the lead. She did require some reminding though.

I shall not have a very large meal this evening due to my recent ‘brunch’ so will retire inside shortly to be entertained by the box.

Isabella is now quiet as well as miffed at missing out on supper. I think Luis did well with the biscuits but Isabella less so but has to wait only until tomorrow morning for her next meal as I feed her twice a day.


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