Power struggles

Fido needed to go out a couple of times during the night and I was happy to let him out lest he explode inside the van. I managed to let Oskar out and then left him out which is not such a good idea. I heard rain on the roof from my sleep but it must have been very short and insignificant. The forecast was for rain between 05:00 – 06:00 with a probability of something like 95% so I wasn’t rushing out to get caught in the rain. I waited a little while then consulted the lightning map to find it was still quite a way away. I got up, marshalled the dogs and off we went. There was light dampness however I felt that we could complete a short walk so that justice was seen to be done at least. We managed nearly 2.58km as opposed to the normal 5 or 6km but I erred on the side of caution and started back as the distant rumbles became less distant. We were back before the rain started properly and all inside. I even had time to pop out to feed the cats as I didn’t know how long it might rain.

I watched the news for a little while then adjourned outside with Isabella to give her a bone and for me to use my laptop. The rain stopped so I went for a walk to the beach to look at the clouds so could see that the bulk of the storm had passed and clear sky was in the distance. I decided to ride to Krios to make up for the poor effort on the walk but ended up riding towards Sklavopoula. Partway up I was overtaken by a dilapidated pickup with a familiar voice bawling at me. I recognised Xanthippos as the pickup drew up alongside me before disappearing into the distance. I continued on for almost 10km then turned back to the camping as time was moving on and the dogs were inside.

The climb and the distance easily made up for the pathetic walk so I was pretty much through my Move Circle when I got back. I was intercepted by Manolis who has men working on the room conversion as he needed a cable and light adaptor from the workshop which turned out to be open anyway.

I let out the dogs then made some breakfast as it would soon be time for my weekly call home. The Swiss couple decided to stay another night and wanted to use the washing machine. My call was interrupted by a trip to the machine and from a call from someone wishing to book for the musical event in June. Dimitris arrived sporting a huge bag of vegetables fresh from his greenhouse. There are loads of tiny tomatoes, larger tomatoes, a lettuce, hot chillies as well as other peppers. There was a menu change to lentils with chillies and some of the fresh herbs which also made up the food parcel. Thanks to Dimitris!

The remainder of the afternoon dissipated into small jobs: keys for T3, opening the storage room for some covers that required washing, washing machine duty and so on. Soon it was time for the Evening Walk but the dogs were keener than me. I’d closed my Exercise and Move Circles so…

It was chilly and drizzly however that didn’t stop a few people being out and about. The dogs were on the lead other than Isabella and Luis who were let off at the end of the Promontory as we crossed the rocks. I’ve had better walks. The drizzle was driven over the mountains by a northerly wind so my aim was not to hang about needlessly. We made it back only slightly soggy at the edges.

Progress on the road west of the camping continues with a heavy roller and earthmoving equipment scattered about. They are still working at 19:00 on a Saturday so cannot be accused of slacking considering it’s raining too. There are curbs so things are starting to take shape. Little evidence of the pedestrian/cycle path so far but I feel sure that will follow.

Skinny and Isabella are sparring together which is good because Skinny used to have very little time for her. They are the closest in age and eventually, size. They are well matched as they both like to josh around although Skinny is slightly less crazy than Isabella – maybe…


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