How ironic

No wind and warmer weather so no need for a coat this morning. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were waiting for me with the latter part of the moon in the highest position on the line. Jojo was fishing but arrived later on than usual. There was a magnificent sunrise which heralded a warm and sunny day. The temperature didn’t reach 30℃ as it did the other day but it was quite warm under the awning.

Having prepared my breakfast, I went off to put a load of Finnish laundry into the machine as their last wash was before they went on their trip around the island. It was a great day to be doing some washing.

I kept busy for most of the day with IT-related tasks and spent far too much time sitting down. I wandered up to the office to check if there was any mail to find only one bank letter for the camping. I’m still waiting for items from China.

The Aljazeera news carries a story of one of the most senior doctors in Wuhan succumbing to the 2019-CoV virus. I understand over one hundred medical personnel have lost their lives to the virus. Despite the propaganda, the virus seems indiscriminate about who it takes as many apparently very healthy people have become victims.

I cycled into Paleochora for a little shopping as well as some exercise. I felt quite warm when I arrived. I didn’t stay long as I wanted to be back to take the dogs out for the Evening Walk. I was on the point of getting ready when Maria phoned and we ended up having quite a long chat. Mostly about enquiries I’d passed onto her for action. We’re developing a new system but I wonder what has happened to the person who is supposedly taking over from Maria. The walk was much later than I’d intended.

Xanthippos and sidekick were busy digging holes, planting posts and making concrete to hold the posts into the holes in the space north of me. Lots of drilling as there’s a load of rock which is why there’s a need for artificial shade as no trees will grow there.

Isabella and Skinny are playing outside on the decking in the dark. So long as they don’t make a noise or break anything – play on!

Obi and Fido were absent at the end of the Evening Walk. Fido reappeared at the compound gate too late for food. I suspect he and Obi were visiting the remnants of the rotting carcass. Obi is still at large…


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