Clean Monday

I was tired so went early to bed last night. About 21:30 if I recall correctly. We were out at 05:35 under a clear sky with a fine array of stars and planets. The dogs seemed less than enthusiastic so I took them all around twice then back to the camping. I then got on my bike to ride up into the mountains towards Sklavopoula. It was fine and clear so I had a good view of the sunrise. The sun is rising just behind the castle now as it’s returned from its winter position out at sea. By mid-summer, the sun rises behind the mountains providing a delay before the heat comes.

It took over an hour to the top but a lot less than that to come back albeit via a slightly extended route. My bike battery was down to the last couple of bars so I brought it in to charge it up. The sound of ripping emanated from within the van. I opened the door to find Luis ripping up the carpet which covers the floor at the front. He’d already demolished the rubber boot which surrounds the moving parts of the handbrake. The carpet was horrid so needed ripping up anyway. Dogs and carpet don’t go well together anyway. Too many hairs! Luis was transported to a cage outside and spent the remainder of the day in the SDC to his dismay. The carpet has been removed as well as the remains of the rubber boot. I’ll throw a dog blanket in there later.

I wanted to get a shower before the Finns left to head back to Finland in a couple of days. They’re going to get some gas before catching the ferry to the mainland. Kirsti said farewell to Isabella who was exuberant as ever.

I made breakfast and ate it and then received a message from Mike at Inter Sport there was a problem with the mail server. The next few hours were spent sorting out that problem which appears to stem from when backups are processed under certain circumstances. I plan to increase the storage space and move the databases to see if things improve.

I went up to the New Room with Janne and Erica although I felt it too late to hope for food. They were just sweeping up so we rather missed the show.

There were still some kites flying so the Evening Walk was delayed. A car was stuck in the shingle on the beach resulting in much revving of the engine with associated shouting. Finally, people, cars and kites left so we were able to go out. It was almost dark, the dogs were more enthusiastic than in the morning so the walk was brisk. They are now fed and medicated so it’s just for me to hear the Pot go plop and it’s time for some food.

It’s been a warm and sunny day with a high of 21℃ so very pleasant requiring the shedding of various garments. The middle of the week is looking less inviting although the previously forecast rain has reduced considerably. Perhaps by Wednesday, it will all have been forgotten.

The weekend visitors have left so things will be calmer tomorrow. Today has been difficult due to the kites, shouting children on the beach and various dogs, some on the camping.

Hopefully, the evening will be calmer! There goes the Pot!


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