First Day of Spring

Fido had to have a wee in the night as I didn’t shove him out at bedtime to perform. He didn’t stay outside too long as he probably discovered it was cooler. It was 8℃ when I got up to take out the dogs. The first visit to the Promontory was fairly energetic as we wandered along under the remaining moonlight. At least we’ll be able to see the planets more easily with the moon rising in the evening again. We didn’t feel a thing at 05:49 at the time of the Spring Equinox so returned to the camping anyway. The second wave were very active with plenty of noise and running around. I gave Skinny a little more latitude but he was still confined to the long line. They ran, barked and generally amused each other.

Once back, I fed the cats and went off on my bike to Krios but set off in an easterly direction to take in the progress of the road as it enters Grammeno. The climb above the greenhouses is a little more demanding going that way and also the bike’s battery is giving less power as it’s getting low. Another lovely and virtually still ride to Krios with little out of the ordinary to report.

I filled the washing machine as it’s time for the Spring Bed and had a shower to celebrate. The washing is now folded up and put away. I spent more time playing with my power equipment as well as some work with Inter Sport’s servers. I need to find out why it restarted the other day.

The morning was warm and sunny so I might even have drifted off after breakfast. Always a difficult time following an early start, exercise and then food.

The dogs spent most of the day asleep and I concentrated on getting the washing dry, making the Spring Bed and putting everything away. All very domesticated today.

Georgia appeared in the camping and was to be seen watering some of the plants at reception. She wanted to get something from the bedding store so I went up to unlock the door for her. We are maintaining the prescribed distance as she’s definitely not up for catching The Lurgy. It will be bad news for her if she does given her various ailments.

Five o’clock arrived so we set off for the Evening Walk under a blue sky with birds singing in the background. Not forgetting the cat mewing as we crossed the field. The dogs took little notice of it. It was only as we were leaving the Promontory that we encountered IZO and the German Dog complete with mistress, approaching from the west and an English woman, who we’ve encountered previously, from the north. I made a quick change of direction avoiding both potential causes of disruption.

It would appear that the sheep are no longer in the field since I’ve not seen them or the guy who feeds them since last weekend. I also noticed that their accoutrements have also disappeared.

The dogs have been fed and Isabella is amusing herself shredding a piece of cardboard. Her previous destructive activity earlier involved the old and brittle dustpan which both she and Skinny have been working on for some while. Generally, though, she’s pretty good and confines her activities to valueless items. I’m still not leaving interesting things on the table just in case. I give her a rawhide bone after her breakfast which keeps her amused and helps her teeth. She has quite a few of her permanent teeth now.

It’s getting dark, my supper is cooked so I shall retire withing accompanied by several dogs I suspect.


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