The hedgehog

The water pressure was very low yesterday evening probably as the result of one of the highway technicians severing yet another water main. I happened to be cycling past to see floods of water pouring out accompanied by lots of shouting. The pressure was still extremely low early in the morning so I filled up the kettles and the dog bowls just in case there was no water at all.

Skinny jumped the van gate and disappeared yesterday evening whilst I was engaged in eating and visual entertainment. I shouted at him but that was all. Interestingly, just as I was preparing to go to bed, Isabella alerted me to an intruder which turned out to be Skinny standing by the gate to the main compound. I invited him back into the van and then closed the main door to prevent a further departure. He was fast asleep when I returned from the loo.

The morning walk went off to an exciting start when Isabella encountered a hedgehog just as we stepped out of the gate into the field. The hedgehog very sensibly rolled up into a ball leaving Isabella barking loudly. At 04:50 sound carries so there were a few others joining in before long. We left the hedgehog and continued on. I throw the organic waste into the field to allow it to go back to nature. The hedgehogs invite themselves to a feast.

Other than the initial surprise, the remainder of the walk was unremarkable. Even the second shift seemed unusually restrained. I took my bike to Krios via the easterly road between the greenhouses to check on the water leak. I suspect they patched it which was why the pressure was so low. I met the German guy with his dogs as he walked down towards Krios. A guy working by one of the greenhouses mentioned the police had been checking on people at Krios Beach the previous day. I explained to my German friend that walking your dog is a permitted activity only that you need to have a self-signed declaration as to the reason for being away from home. I continued my ride. The normal group of hopefuls was missing from outside Vlisidis Supermarket. I’m not sure if this is to do with the restrictions or just a lack of hiring.

Back at the camping, I went to prepare my breakfast having let out the dogs. There seems little need to keep them in at present seeing as there’s hardly anyone for them to annoy. As anticipated, the water was cut off so it was fortunate I had taken precautions earlier.

I amused myself until breakfast time by answering a couple of emails and playing around with the Coronavirus declaration document. It’s possible to do the declaration using SMS (text messaging) however I’m unsure about how much information they are harvesting from this service. I discovered that it’s possible to download and edit the declaration on my phone using DropBox which kindly provides a facility to sign and date PDF files. This is very handy as I’ve created a pro forma declaration which I only need to date each day.

My completed declaration form. The form is on my phone so instantly available to be inspected by any Officer of the Law.

People in UK are now having to work from home so I’m being asked to help them. I saw this coming anyway. I’m not quite sure where the remainder of the morning went but it was warm and sunny. The top temperature for today is 21.3℃ however it’s going to become unsettled for a few days from tomorrow afternoon with significant rain forecast for the night. We may have a delayed walk on Thursday morning.

I noticed Georgia’s car in the camping but didn’t actually set eyes upon her personage. Her carriage had left when next I looked that direction. I completed the March customer payments sheet as it’s unlikely there will be many more this month. The ones we have may experience difficulties going elsewhere.

The afternoon rolled by. There were a couple more support calls from people wishing to access emails from home and exchanges of experiences. Simon says he’s still planning to go into the office especially as they appear not to have an Internet connection at his home at present.

The dogs became restless, the sun started to disappear behind the storeroom so I prepared my meal before going out with the dogs.

The Evening Walk was entirely uneventful although we ventured onto the rocks en masse which we’ve not done for a while. The dogs were mostly calm except Isabella who has a fixation for eating juniper berries either directly from the plant or picked up from the ground. She’s like all young creatures, omnivorous! It was a very pleasant walk and I actually felt slightly overdressed which is probably the first time for this season. I’m ahead this evening as The Pot has just gone beep and I’ve not yet fed the dogs. I suppose I’d better feed the cats too or there will be unrest. Cats first then dogs. A shame really as the dogs are lying completely quietly on the decking so it seems a shame to break the spell.


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