I was falling asleep in front of the box so went to bed to fall asleep there. I was probably asleep before 22:00 but awake again just before midnight only for a short while. The dogs were a little restless which may account for me waking again around 03:00. My alarm was set for 04:25 but I managed to sleep again before then. 03:00 is too early to be walking the dogs even for me.

We were out crossing the field before 04:55 beneath a beautiful, starry sky. IZO, who was probably asleep beneath the Monster Truck, gave us a warm welcome but shut up quite quickly when I asked him. No other dog barked. Our two laps completed I returned to the camping to deposit the first wave. Skinny, Isabella and I set off again just as it was starting to get light. We completed a further two laps including a walk across the rocks. I discovered my watch was low on battery so my workout had ended abruptly when the watch resorted to low power mode. I was annoyed at myself for letting this happen.

Back at the camping, I put my watch on charge whilst I fed the cats and completed some other chores. The watch appeared to take forever to charge up so I changed into my running kit as Isabella looked on. Time was moving on so I wanted to get going before people started moving about. A man with lots of dogs walking around the Promontory narrows it down a little whereas a man running with one dog could be anyone. The many doggy footprints in the sand are, however, a bit of a giveaway!

We ran, I showered and went down the camping to collect the Germans’ washing and their bicycle which I brought back with me. The washing I delivered but it was too late for the bicycle. Xanthippos came to see I was still alive and give me the latest news. Apparently, there are now three confirmed cases in Paleochora which is a bit of a blow as it’s a small community where everyone knows everyone else. Xanthippos offered to bring any shopping I needed which was very generous of him. I have no desire to leave this sanctuary now we have confirmed cases close by.

The gates to the beach are locked as are the entrance gates. I am now a prisoner except I still have the Private Entrance onto the field.

It was soon time for my weekly phone call home.

I wandered the camping in the knowledge that anyone I should encounter has no right to be there. There was no one on the beach so I was free to study the sea and the waves. I think I might put up a couple more cameras to enhance my surveillance.

My present camera mosaic – the sun is low so some of the images are very poor.

My security walk completed I engaged in a little reading, fed the cats and sat down for a rest.

I’m going to put together some food before feeding the dogs. I’ll take back the bike once darkness has fallen will text when it’s done.

You’ll be pleased to know that the pussy is still in the ground and, so far, there have been no unwelcome visitors trying to dig him up!


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