Easter Monday Holiday

For some reason, I was awake before the alarm even though I wasn’t in bed early. I was quick to jump out of bed once the alarm sounded and pull on some clothes. The night was humid as water had been dripping from the awning roof onto the decking below. Instead of loafing in the chair, Isabella was ready for the off so we were out of the gate once the dogs were harnessed up. The moon, what is left of it, was yet to rise so I needed a torch for the first hour’s walking. We completed two laps together then a further two without Luis and Oskar who dug themselves into the sand and rested. I put the dogs into the van once back at the camping and prepared some chicken and rice for Isabella’s breakfast as I wanted to get into Paleochora to Petrakis so I could pick up some heavy stuff. Skinny, Isabella and I set out again and completed a further two circuits including a walk over the rocks. A couple of men were walking over the rocks to the east as their voices could easily be heard. What they were doing out there at 06:35 I have no idea.

Having fed the cats, I set out for Paleochora on my bike to stock up on lentils and rice amongst other things. Cat food was also getting a little low too as I’m waiting for Antonis to bring me a 20kg bag. Smaller quantities can be had inside the store but they work out at €2.75/kg whereas the 20kg bag is around €2.00/kg, a saving of around €15. I went past the dentist surgery as I plan to go there to see if I can get my tooth fixed as it’s already a month since my last visit and the filling dropped out a week later.

The food was ready when I arrived back at the camping so I prepared Isabella’s and let her eat it before allowing the others to come outside. The Pot kept it warm so she had to wait around whilst it cooled off. The remaining rice went to the other dogs together with some on the liquid from the meat. Isabella calmly and methodically ate her bowl of food and the others guzzled theirs in no time. I was then able to prepare my breakfast and I sat and waited whilst it cooked. It was some while later that I woke up to eat it!

The morning was very lazy, the dogs snored and I might also have drifted off. I had a call from Barbara in Melbourne which took up some time. I then did a little IT-related work on the EG websites. Other accomplishments of the day included adding the two remaining, active WiFi access points to the new controller. There are three others which are not currently working due to a broken cable, no cable and being powered off. Seeing as there are no customers at present, there are sufficient access points for those that are.

At the end of the afternoon, I rode my bike around for 5km to make up some more Exercise Minutes as the month is moving on. The latest chicken and rice had been in the Pot since after breakfast and left on the timer so that I shouldn’t forget like last night. It was still very hot so the assembled mass of dogs had a bit of a wait whilst I distributed the remaining rice and chicken juice. Isabella had just rice and chicken, the others, rice, biscuits and chicken juice. They were all very happy with their meal although Isabella’s was hotter than I would have liked. She soon discovered it better to eat from the edges towards the middle and was able to demolish it all. She had a lot more than the morning but had no problem packing it away. I suspect she feels a lot better today judging by her appetite and general demeanour.

The day was not as warm as yesterday with a high of 21.3℃ and a low of 10.4℃. It has not been cold just dull and uninteresting. It didn’t stop the dogs from snoozing most of the day away.

Man with a cat
Dawn facing east


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