More walkies

I don’t know why I was so tired last night but I went to bed shortly after 21:45 and was asleep very quickly. I was listening to something interesting on DW as there is usually one of their documentaries on at that time of night. I can’t see it as the TV screen is switched off just hear it over the BlueTooth speaker I move from location to location as the day progresses. The RPi (Raspberry Pi) is turned on all the time for the WiFi Controller so it seems sensible to use it for as many things as possible. Only Isabella and Obi were outside last night but they were cavorting around on the decking when I went out just after 04:30. It takes no time to get dressed now the weather is warmer. Just a matter of dragging on a pair of shorts and a polo shirt. It takes longer to put on some socks and lace up my boots.

I imagined there still to be FreeLoaders on the Promontory so today’s walk took in Alonáki Beach until the large rocky outcrop at the end then back to the entrance of the river, up the dried-up bed, under the bridge and up a little further. Considering the total length of the walk was 3.5km and all the dogs participated, they did well. The going is not easy on a pebbly beach nor up the river bed.

I took the dogs back to the van and left all but Isabella and Skinny who accompanied me on the second walk. We walked up the road, which wasn’t such a good idea as many neighbours in the locality were heaved from their blissful slumbers at 06:15 to the sound of barking dogs. Their dogs I may add, as mine made not a sound. There has to be a better way of getting to the river which avoids the dogs and having to walk the beach again.

We walked quite a long way up the river some 3.5km or so before turning back. Isabella was off the lead so was able to encounter a small group of sheep. She was inquisitive but didn’t chase them after my warning. Sheep are programmed to run away from dogs and dogs are programmed to run after anything which runs away so it’s not an ideal combination. Fortunately, she was receptive to me interrupting her desire to chase so came back to Skinny and I. Various goats adorned the mountains but these are really too far away to count. The sheep were just begging for it.

We headed back and were passed by a guy in a pickup who had a couple of sacks in the back. I don’t know where he’d come from as he didn’t pass us on the way up and the road was washed away at the top so there’s only one way in or out as far as I can tell. Perhaps he lives somewhere up there.

It was busy on the road so we went under and back along the beach. Hard-going but easier than playing with the traffic and dogs barking behind fences. Skinny went in with the others and then Isabella pottered around on Grammeno Beach as I wallowed about in the sea for a little while.

I’d had enough exercise by now so was interested in a little bit of a sit down and some breakfast. Naturally, I fed the dogs first!

It has been cooler with a little breeze to keep the heat away. I’ve done a few useful things including sweeping and vacuuming the inside of the van. I nearly mopped it out but decided it might be too much all in one day.

I’ve had a few support calls but nothing too demanding or exciting.

The top temperature pushed past 30℃ to 31.5℃ but from tomorrow it should be in the mid-twenties for several days. We might get a little more done when it’s cooler. One thing I need to do is run a cable back to my IT box in the storeroom wall so that all the various switches, cameras, WiFi access points and network storage devices can be powered from the solar panels. It’s not a huge amount of electricity but it seems silly to use energy from a nasty coal-fired power station when the solar is ‘free’ and infinitely cleaner and environmental.

This evening, the government will be telling us their roadmap for restarting the economy and rescuing the remainder of 2020 Tourist Season without compromising the country’s health.

Oleander at its best in the dried-up riverbed
There is another dog in the picture if you know where to look
Flowering tree
The two boys relaxing in the cool of the evening infuriating Luis by ignoring him. Cats with character!


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