Wot, no water?

Something caused Skinny to bark in the night and then leap over the van gate and out of the compound over the fence. I went back to sleep as I didn’t care: so long as he made his noise elsewhere, and I certainly wasn’t planning to run after him at some obscure time in the night.

At 03:50, when he loudly announced his return, that was another matter. I looked out to see him standing outside the field gate waiting to be let in. So I did so putting him on his daytime line out on the decking. Silence continued but I’d been up so unlikely, at such a late hour, to go back to sleep. I was not wrong so gave up at 04:15 and went to the loo.

Our walk, although earlier, was an almost identical copy of the previous day minus the fishing boat near the shore. We were out on the second walk by 05:53 having taken time to check the ice maker and to feed the cats. Our walk followed the beach road and under the road bridge on the river bed. We managed to cover 5.08km in around one hour twenty minutes. Isabella returned to the camping bearing the goat leg which she has been toying with for several days. She was determined as she carried it for over 1km.

I went into Paleochora to pick up some bananas and came back with a lot more including 1kg of cinnamon which I was surprised to find they had in stock. Well impressed! I packed my purchases into my bike and returned to the camping. The Somme-like section of the ‘new road’ has moved further from the camping and is now at the beginning of the section with Hotel Mégim and the first houses of the community. The other parts of the road to the west are almost finished and have had the potholes filled in and been properly rolled. I’d like to think there might be some more tarmack before long although this is pure speculation. One of the guys working at the camping was wrestling with the entrance gate as I arrived and was kind enough to allow me to pass putting it back behind me. The sliding gate seems no longer to have a lower runner and merely looks the part. It’s necessary to drag it out of the way without it falling over and hitting the ground. One assumes it will be left open once the camping reopens on Monday.

Once the dogs were out, I fed them after I’d prepared my breakfast. It’s good to keep them waiting for it I think. I had a call with one of the Guild officers at 12:00 as she is setting up some tutorials on building websites and hosting. It’s so that members can create their own sites to display their work for others. It turned out that she was a doggy person so we may have spent quite a little time talking dogs.

The road technicians have cut off the water once again starting 09:00. It came back for a little while but is now reduced to a trickle again. Fortunately, I keep some water in reserve so was able to prepare the Doggy Dinners which are now cooling as I write. It has been a reasonably quiet day as Georgia took Mickey with her when she went off to fetch something in her pickup. Mickey is making up for lost time now he’s back. First, he comes to the fence side of the compound and then to the storeroom. Predictable if nothing else.

The goat leg has been passed around so is somewhat smaller than it was when it arrived this morning. I asked the butcher in Petrakis if he’d save me some bones as he usually throws them away. The dogs usually manage to play nicely when there are bones so I thought I’d give it a try. Bones help keep their teeth clean and also give them something to do. They usually share fairly well and sort things out themselves if there is any conflict.

Even at 18:00 the water is still only a very small trickle. Luckily, I wasn’t planning a shower for this evening. The dogs are playing together. Earlier, Luis was into a tug-o-war with Skinny. Luis was on a short lead so unable to move very far. Skinny was the winner due to size and strength but courteously brought the blanket withing Luis’ range so they could do it all over again. Isabella has enjoyed a mad moment of charging round the compound kicking up loads of dust whilst causing the others, mostly Skinny, to bark loudly. There are still no punters so they may as well enjoy themselves.

My food is cooking. Lentils and beetroot. There is some spinach for tomorrow which I purchased this morning. The fly season is gearing up for June so we have that to look forward to…

Today’s top temperature is 25.1℃ which is little cooler that the 38.8℃ only ten days ago. That was too hot but now it’s just fine.


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