A horrid racket started yesterday evening with an ad hoc setup somewhere on or near the Promontory. The music went on until at least 02:00 which was the last time I noticed. I expected to see lots of bodies on the Promontory but saw only cars and vans in the car park.

I woke to hear rain landing on the roof but it seemed like the briefest shower. Then it became more fixated so I got out of bed to bring in some items which do better without a wash. Isabella was wandering in and out so there were plenty of doggy paw prints. I went back to bed. The alarm sounded at 04:30, it was raining, so I set a 30-minute timer. It was still raining at 05:00 but I got up anyway.

There were no encounters of the FreeLoader Kind on the Promontory only an additional tent near to the sea on the Big Beach. There may have been others judging by the way the dogs were behaving but my aim was to get to the end and back with the least difficulty. It was lighter as we were later which made things easier.

We got back to the beach without any difficulties and then made our way eastwards along Alonáki Beach. Progress was quite slow as Isabella, Charlie and Oskar were into everything. I was pleased to get them all back and go out again with Luis, Isabella and Skinny. We managed to get up the valley almost as far as I’d hoped however there were some goats lurking so I concentrated on turning Isabella back before she spotted them. It’s in these situations I need the remote dog trainers. I charged the batteries the other day but they’re a bit long in the tooth so need changing especially as they’ve not been used much recently.

It started to rain again as we turned back so we got slightly soggified for a little while. I put Luis and Isabella back on their leads before we reached the penned up goats and the guard dog in the concrete production facility. There are delivery trucks in the compound although I’m not sure the guard dog would be much of a deterrent as he appears too friendly. Maybe he’s like Antonis’ dog who is waggy as you come in but bites you as you try to leave!

We got back to the camping just at the rain became more enthusiastic so I got busy preparing the WiFi access point and camera I’d been playing with for Litsa. It wasn’t raining too hard and it was warm rain so I headed up the camping to install the access point and the camera. We got Litsa’s phone to connect to the camera so I was able to escape reasonably quickly. I have lots of oranges and lemons from their trees so I won’t need to buy any citrus for a couple of weeks.

I let out the dogs and fed them and prepared my breakfast. It was positively cold so I zipped up the sides of the tent except the entrance as I took that down and put it in the storeroom and it’s too much effort to get it out. I ate breakfast then went into a state of advanced relaxation as the sun had eventually come out, I’d walked eight km earlier and just had breakfast.

I become more active during the afternoon completing some important tasks such as the Doggy Dinners, my supper and other little outstanding jobs. I’ve devised a way of keeping the pussy food bowl on top of the fence. The Fluffy Mummy Pussy is not up for coming down into the Pussy Compound for food so I balance her bowl on top of the wooden fence. It invariably gets knocked down scattering food all over the ground. I extracted the very strong magnet from a defunct computer hard drive and fixed it to the top of the fence only to discover neither food bowl is very magnetic! One is aluminium anyway. Good planning or what! So now there’s a large, steel washer in the bottom of the bowl which does the trick.

I forgot the Doggy Dinners in the Pot so they were not cooling down as usual. I’ve served up the food and left it in their bowls on the table. So long as I don’t move from here, all will be well. It must have cooled down so I can give it to them now I suspect.

A very brief moment and the dinners area all gone. My supper is ready so I should get in and eat it as it’s gone 19:00.

Despite the poorly start, we managed 24.8℃ but the minimum was only 16.1℃! There’s no more rain forecast but it doesn’t start to warm up until the end of the week.


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