All very quiet today

So relaxing to wander out to the loo and not have to encounter people. No chatter, singing, laughing or yapping dogs. Perfect – until the weekend it seems but to a lesser extent. Earlier, I went to look at Georgia’s WiFi to discover it had been unplugged from the mains in favour of Lena’s laptop. Ha!

I watched a great episode of Cracker where poor Christopher Ecclestone gets stabbed to death. Naturally, I’ve seen then all before but that was a long time ago.

There was a distinct lack of enthusiasm when I took the dogs for the initial walk. There wasn’t a FreeLoader in sight nor a car in the car park. There was even a sit-down strike when I embarked on a second circuit of the Promontory. My will prevailed, surprisingly, but we headed back to the van soon after the circuit was complete. The dogs with alacrity.

I’d considered taking Obi or Oskar on the second walk but they were both eager to go back into the van and immediately got comfortable. Isabella, Skinny and I set off eastwards to investigate the river valley. This occasion took us to the very top, well, as far as the service road goes. Isabella was off lead as soon as we reached the river mouth and we walked up the west side past the viscous guard dog who just stood and looked at us as we wandered by. A different story when a guy in a van stopped outside the Ready-Mix compound as we were coming back, so he does his job: just selectively.

We made it to the end of the track with no deviations but some interaction with numerous goats. I’m pleased to say that, after an initial temptation to go after the goats, further meetings were peaceful. I could see that she was itching to go after them but mere words were sufficient to prevent her from racing off. I used the transmitter only a couple of times and even then it was more of a poke than a prolonged action. How she might have behaved without the collar is another matter.

The walk was just over 10km so it was getting on by the time we were back at the camping. With no one else to consider, we just got on with our daily activities.

The morning was taken up with Janne and Erica’s plant watering, an investigation of some new cables for the bar area and an additional WiFi access point as that area is often infested with customers and is the most densely populated part of the camping. The number of wireless devices is continually increasing as most things electrical are now IoT (Internet of Things). Even your Instant Pot can be operated from the other side of the world should you so desire. There are new tills at the bar which require a network connection since there is a promotional VAT reduction on beverages during the holiday season from end of June to end of August. The 24% VAT is reduced to 13% which is why the tills need to be able to chat to the government servers. I’m going to get all of this installed this week whilst it’s quiet so as not to get caught out later in the month when it’s hotter and the camping might be busier.

Another job was to move the kitchen camera from outside back inside. I achieved this and cleaned the camera in the process. I levelled the refrigerator I was standing on as it was wobbly. I allowed the kitchen staff to gaze upon their collective loveliness on my phone then left. I took the PTZ camera to the reception office for Georgia to decide where it should be affixed to the wall. I feel there are few options however I never cease to be surprised!

From there, it all went downhill as I parked myself in the reclining chair on the neighbour’s decking and might even have fallen asleep.

I was not alone for long!
Make yourself at home, why not?
Tough life for a cat!

Luis was determined I should rest too long so I went for a shower before returning to my own chair on my own decking. Since then, supper has been prepared and cooked, some beets for tomorrow and only the dogs to feed.

The dogs have had their supper and I’ve just put my spinach in with the lentils, pepper, onion and perhaps some garlic, for the last two minutes.

Today, the top temperature is 27.6℃ with a minimum of 20℃. It was warm enough to walk without a thin fleece this morning and I was pleased not to be back any later at the end. The outlook for the next few days is more of the same.

So there you have it!


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