
When looking in the restaurant camera before bed, I noticed a gathering of staff with feasting and audible music. Audible as in I could hear it from my place too. The feasting and partying went into the night as there was still activity and voices as I was getting up at 04:30.

I had to go out to turn off the insect fryer as it was murdering most of the insect population of Kountoura and Grammeno. Not a single fly but plenty of other corpses for me to remove the following day.

It was warmer this morning. We walked the Promontory and then part of the beach before returning to the camping. They were much more interested in sniffing and snuffling than walking. I wasn’t about to force them to walk so we went back and they all eagerly went into the van except for Skinny and Isabella left tied to the fence. There’s no way that amount of exercise would have done it for them.

We set off at 05:55 heading down the beach but not to go up the river valley as I thought it time for more exploration. We walked past the place near to the beach which rents rooms and further on to the beach which used to be a quarry. There’s quite a bit of quarrying around and about, particularly that section, where stone is extracted for the road project amongst other things.

We passed under the road bridge and followed the river bed northwards. The going was initially very easy but then there were boulders and we left the river altogether. We climbed and found a track where there are olives with nets nearby. We finally arrived at the top to find ourselves overlooking the other river valley. We had a difficult descent into the valley as there was a fair amount of water damage where the heavy rain had washed away a section of the hillside taking some trees out too. We finally reached the valley floor and turned north for a little while to see if I could see where a track descended. I couldn’t make out any easy path so we did an about-turn and headed back towards the sea. I kept a close eye on Isabella to prevent her from going near the awful offal she’d discovered the day before.

Back on the beach we followed the middle and arrived back at the camping without incident crossing paths with some guy on a scooter who’d come to take in the view. Isabella took notice of my instruction to leave him alone and we set off back towards the camping.

I wanted to ride my bike so set rode to Krios after a little exploration on the top road amongst the greenhouses to see if I could pick up track which leads down to the path I’d seen in the valley earlier. Later research using Apple and Google maps shows the existence of a track but the image resolution is pretty poor. I plan to bring my drone to take some pictures tomorrow morning. My trip to Krios was uneventful as I got there too late for Gregor and his dogs. I sat for a while to enjoy the sound of the sea and the scenery.

The morning was interrupted by some IT queries as Inter Sport went back to work today and I’d received a message on Sunday evening to say the server at Seaford wouldn’t start. I sent instructions but they arrived after Nick had left the store. Regardless of the interruptions, the morning was very leisurely as I fiddled around with some small jobs.

I charged up my drone batteries and took the drone on a little test flight in the field next door. There’s a lot of metalwork in my compound which upsets the drone’s navigation and the dogs go into meltdown if I start up the drone nearby.

Xanthippos spotted me as I lugged an old tabletop into the field. That land now belongs to CBV so he tells me, and will be developed sometime after August. Like the new clothes washing sink and the relocated shower cubicles, I’ll reserve judgement until a sod is turned. I asked Xanthippos about his work obligations at CBV and Grammeno. He works two hours each morning at CBV and mentioned there was some complication with Georgia’s dogs as the Lovely Stelios from Ammos Beach Bar had been complaining about something Xanthippos was supposed to have done when in fact he was drinking coffee at CBV. Stelios has a lot to say for himself as well as an elevated opinion of his own importance.

I’ve just received an email from Aris to tell me some packages have arrived from China. I saw the postman delivering something today and thought that might be them.

The dogs have been fed and I have my food cooking in the Pot. I’d contemplated shopping this morning but I was hot and sweaty after the second walk and couldn’t be bothered getting a shower and I could last until tomorrow without shopping anyway. I’ll need chicken quarters for the Doggy Dinners tomorrow so will have to go in. I have only red cabbage, peppers and cauliflower left in the fridge.

It was 33.1℃ today and is still just under 30℃ 19:00. I shall put the dogs in the van, wander to the office, get a shower then call it a day.


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