We’ll meet again? Goodbye Vera (103)

Antonis brought me some aubergines and peppers last night. He’d sent me a message asking for me to meet him at the camping entrance but I’d not see it so he came calling. Very thoughtful.

I watched the episode of The Crown which was centred on the Aberfan disaster and the way the Government and Crown dealt with it. I can recall the event as I was eleven at the time however I am now more aware of the Royal Family’s response than I was at the time. I remember being sad but then for me it was relatively far away and I was doubtless more interested in myself and my own surroundings. Two other events depicted in The Crown which I remember particularly are the Kennedy assassination and the Winston Churchill’s funeral. At the time of Churchill’s death, I was nine so didn’t really understand the significance of the event as I sat with the other boys in the gym at Skipper Hill to watch the funeral on the television. Interesting perhaps that I should later read all of his memoirs which were given to me by Mercia.

The night was reasonably quiet however Fido has passed his duty to Isabella who punctually asks to be let out at 04:00. She’s a Big Girl now so there are no more accidents however she then has to let back in again until it’s getting up time at 04:30 whereupon she wants to be the first out of the door!

We were not terribly adventurous as all our walks were confined to the Promontory. The first walk included everyone and lasted nearly ninety minutes. The second was for Skinny and Isabella with Oskar along to play with Isabella to distract her from bothering Skinny. Oskar was off the lead early on but decided to go on a wander so I took the trainer from Skinny, who was on the long lead, and put it on Oskar. He was a lot more compliant after that for some reason. Oskar and Isabella romped around, rolled in the sand and splashed around in the lagoon. Skinny wanted to join in so I let him off the long lead not expecting to see him for a while. I wasn’t disappointed although he hung around for quite a while before taking himself off. I collected up the other two and returned to the camping.

I took my bike down to the beach to see if I could spot Skinny and then went down the track in the valley to the end. It’s exactly 10km but quite bumpy and harder work on the way out as it’s up hill almost all the way.

Skinny was waiting outside the field gate when I returned from a little wander along the beach to look for him. Strange that he should reappear around breakfast time.

My day has been fairly busy due to a problem at Seaford Inter Sport. Their server has been behaving badly for a little while and more so recently. Strangely, it managed to keep going all through the time the store was close during LockDown but is now being difficult. Not that the server is required now as the main reason for its existence was the EPOS system which they’ve not changed and moved to a cloud-based system. A little tricky if there’s no Internet but then it doesn’t require a server. I shall see if there is any reason why the server cannot be decommissioned then retire it if not.

Other than Doggy Dinners and some cleaning inside the van, the day has taken care of itself. It’s always dusty after a couple of windy days…

Vera Lynn died at 103, which Nick and I considered a good innings: an apposite comparison when talking to the manager of a sports shop. One of the last vestiges of the 1940s era and the darling of the forces.


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